I have done 6 rounds of clomid 3 at 50mg and 3 at 100mg I am now waiting for my period or pregnancy should be within the next few days. Was just wondering how many rounds you did of clomid before BFP or next move after clomid?
Clomid: I have done 6 rounds of clomid... - Fertility Network UK

I had 9 months before having IVF... I think 6 is normal, 9 if prescribed by a fertility doctor.
Hi. I had 2 lots of 3 over a 2 year period prescribed by my GP both before and during my IVF cycles. Good luck xx
6 rounds of Clomid and then moved on to ICSI IVF, which worked on the first round. I now have twin girls.
Hi kernishp. Thank you for the info and gnats brilliant news for you 🙂 X
Hello I did 8 months found out 2nd December we were expecting. Went for an early scan had a blighted ovum .will be going back onto the chlomid xx
Hi lovely ladies im on round 2 of clo.id im on 100 mg .im on cycleday 26 and i have had slight cramps for the past week. But since yesterday a bit stronger. My day 21 bloodconfirmed i did ovulate. Last night when wiped has verrrrry light pink blood. I feel its my period. Since then just been having slight cramps. I due to test on friday but i tested last week bfn. I feel if i test on fri it will still be the same. Any advice girls just feeling a bit down.xx