Egg collection was Monday, They got 3. 1 fertilised. We were supposed to go for a day 3 transfer. On Thu my stomach turned with constipation. Never experienced anything like it. The nurses over the phone just did not understand! Who in their right mind would jeopardise embryo transfer day? I was in agony, in the end my husband said we won't be able to make the appointment. So we now have a day 5 transfer, tomorrow.
I am gutted and scared. The nurse did say if the embryo doesn't survive until Saturday then it would not have survived even if the transfer had, taken place on Day 3. But it doesn't help.
Worst thing is my stomach is so sensitive now, im drinking lots of Kangen water which will help with the constipation and eating prunes, mainly just liquids and salads. But what i dont understand my diet was a healthy one, then how did this situation get so bad?
I feel worse, when family know you're going through ivf yet you dont get much support from them at all. My Husband is immensely supportive but sometimes, when you have been there for every member of your family in every situation, yet when its your turn, no one is to be seen, that can be upsetting.