Hi, been thinking about the next steps after my upcoming op, I've read that you are more fertile afterwards and that there have been a lot of successful pregnancies this way. Does anyone know if this is true? My consultant said we would be fine to try straight away but I guess this depends on what he does during the op and whether I will need time to heal.
Fertility after laparoscopy and hyste... - Fertility Network UK
Fertility after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy
Hi hun, I had a lap last year in October and was given 3 months to try naturally before we started treatment and I didn't conceive. I am now going through ivf. But everyone is different so you may be a lucky one! Good luck xx
Thanks for replying, did they treat anything when you had your lap? We're hopeful to avoid ivf but maybe I'm being naive. Hope yours is going well x

Hey Hun, I suffer from endometriosis so this was my second lap. They ran dye through my tubes and was told that there were ok. Because they didn't think I needed ivf straight away they tried IUI. After my first two failed cycles they said that I would need ivf . Hoping I do fall pregnant with ivf. Just praying it works xx
Oh I see, good they're keeping on top of your endo though. Shame you didn't get to go straight to ivf but fingers crossed for you x
I think that for some people it is true, but you have to acknowledge that fact that lots of women are getting diagnosed with unexplained infertility. but yeah, fertility treatment usually boosts fertility so there have been numerous cases of women who got pregnant naturally. for example my friend, she had issues with her fallopian tubes and her first kid was conceived with ivf, but then after she delivered, like 2 years after she got pregnant naturally and surprised all of us with great news!
but i haven't been able to conceive even after 3 ivf tx but fortunately the 4th one was successful and I am now on my 12 week!
xo good luck hun
Thanks, I think the rates of people being diagnosed with unexplained infertility are less if they have a diagnostic lap & hys so I'm hopeful. There's something about the actual op though, even if they don't find anything, that is supposed to help fertility I think?
Gosh 4 rounds of ivf, must have been tough. Congrats on your success though, did you have to self fund?

Hi Becky31. Yes, this can be true. It is greatly believed that when you have a hysteroscopy , which includes taking a biopsy of the womb lining, it promotes a healing reaction that can sometimes help aid implantation of a developing embryo - similar to having an endometrial scratch. If you suffer with endometriosis, occasionally if this can be removed by laser, it can result in you becoming more fertile, as you haven't got the endometriosis hampering your reproductive organs. Most specialists will advise waiting for a natural period to occur before try naturally again, so that you have a timeline to work from. I hope all goes well with the operation and let's hope you can become pregnant naturally. Good luck! Diane
Hi Diane, that's great to hear thank you! I thought it was the case but wasn't sure why or how. I'll look into endometrial scratching, not something I've heard of before.
Can't hurt at this stage to be a little optimistic can it. Our ccg won't fund us for ivf until April I don't think as that'll be the 2 year mark and is in their criteria. I'm pleased something is happening at least, funny I'm not particularly anxious about the actual procedure just what it means for our chances.
Thanks again
Hi Beck31. Just thought I would give you my explanation of endometrial scratching, to save you "googling"! I don't know what you do about it but I will go through the basics anyhow for you. The lining of the uterus (the endometrium) is gently ’scratched’ using a thin catheter (a fine, flexible, sterile, plastic tube) which is passed through the cervix.
This is often offered to women who have had two unsuccessful IVF cycles, but can be offered during any cycle, depending upon your consultant’s recommendations. New research and evidence suggests that scratching the uterine lining causes a ‘repair reaction’ which may increase embryo implantation rates. There have also been studies that show it also promotes uterine stem cells to develop. More research is underway to understand exactly how this works. It is usually done on day 21 of a treatment cycle, but if your periods are irregular, your consultant will advise on the best time for the procedure to be carried out. You must make sure that you have protected sex for one month prior to the treatment, to ensure that you are not pregnant. The procedure should not be too painful, but you may experience a little discomfort. It is much the same as having embryo transfer, and is often followed by slight bleeding afterwards. You will most probably be prescribed a course of antibiotics to take afterwards, to ensure you don’t get any infection. It is quite safe to take some paracetamol, should you feel any discomfort afterwards. Hope this helps. Diane
Thank you, that's really interesting! It's amazing, it seems a fair number of treatments that seem to help fertility don't necessarily have a large body of research behind them. Still, I'm not complaining if it helps!