Just back from my egg collection and can honestly say it isn't too bad pain wise! I know it is a very personal thing and everyone is different, but I would describe it as a soreness rather than outright pain. We have 6 eggs and are going for ICSI, all our fingers and toes crossed!!! Good luck to all you lady's too 🍀x
Egg collection day!!!: Just back from... - Fertility Network UK
Egg collection day!!!

Well done hun! Were you underr general anesthetic or sedation? Fingers crossed for you! X
Sedation, not knocked out.x
How was it? Could you feel anything! X
Well done! I'm so worried about egg collection. Have read a lot of people say it's fine but have read a few saying it was bad 😕 xxx
Fingers crossed for you! I hope you get some good news! x x x
Thanks everyone x
Well done darling. Get yourself some rest. You deserve it!!! Best wishes. xxx
Good Luck X
The pain was awful for me, they had to stop and couldn't drain all as I was in agony 😔 Lucky to have got 16 🙏🏻
Everything crossed for you too. Good luck x
I was knocked out for mine . However I was shaking and crying sat in the bed before they drugged me i wonder if they put more drugs in on purpose so I slept through it due to being so terrified . It was my birthday too maybe they were being nice. X
Glad EC went ok and congrats on 6 eggs... Have you had the call about fertilisation yet? I hope it's good news xx