Hi everyone,
I had my egg collection this morning - it went well and I slept through the whole thing. Hubby was an amazing support which I was so grateful for after our wobble a few days ago.
They collected 8 eggs - I know that's not bad but I can't help feeling disappointed too. I had over 25 follicles at my last scan and the dr said based on their size they would hope to get at least 15 eggs. I was on a low dose of stims as I was considered at risk of OHSS so I just hadn't mentally prepared for not having lots of eggs to work with. It just goes to show you can't assume anything and shouldn't look too far ahead.
Now on tenterhooks to hear how many will fertilise, hoping I won't go crazy in the next few days.
I think I've partly had an eye on getting a couple of embryos to freeze as this is our only NHS round and it covers 1 fresh and 2 frozen, and it would really take the pressure off the fresh round if we had a frozen to fall back on. But now I'm thinking maybe I should try not to think about that for now... ahh either way it won't affect what actually happens I suppose! And I don't take my 8 little eggs for granted, proud of the wee mites.
Sending good wishes out to everyone on their journey xx