Hi ladies how's everyone doing? All good I hope (considering).
I felt obliged to warn others of the emotional damage and affect of using ovulation sticks can do, to help others not go through what I have just been through. I'd hate that.
I used clearblue dual hormone ovulation tests three days after taking my last clomid pill. ( I'm pco on 100mg between days 2-6).
I did not see a positive test - all I saw was "flashy smiley faces" no solid face. Too late I changed sticks and began testing like a women possessed!
I was utterly devastated by not seeing an LH surge and was convinced the clomid had not worked. I was even close to giving up and believed the clomid would never work.
I thank the kind support of this forum that made me eventually see sense. In particular keekee21, loopylou2015, Hollibob, Gibbs88, NDE1987, Romaluna2015. If I missed anyone out- I'm most sorry. You all kept me going massive thank you's.
I haven't had much support from my clinic over it. I gave up with trying ( just not worth my upset- I've got what I want - a real chance to have a baby)
I paid for a private blood test ( cost £38 for blood test plus £50 as I wasn't a patient there). I had the test done today in the morning. The only good thing about private blood tests is you get the results back that day. My progesterone has confirmed ovulation took place this month. My levels are 61.7 nmol and before clomid it was 30.8 nmol. I can see for myself the clomid has worked. Whether it brings me a baby this month is another thing. But at least I know the clomid is working and one of these months we may strike it lucky 🙌🏻
I will do away with the sticks and just try every other day.
The motto here is trust the medication , trust your medic, and have faith it will one day come right.
It's not an easy journey but the things worth having in life never are.
I wish everyone great success love to you all 💕