I'm 11 weeks on Tuesday following my BFP from FET, the clinic have given me a step down regime for my oestrogen and progesterone support. I've been told to start this from the start of week 12 (as then the placenta takes over) the date they told me to start reducing my meds is Wednesday when I'll be 11+1. Is this right? I thought it would be the following week when I'm 12 weeks. I'm worried it seems to early? I'm on 8 tablets a day which I reduce by 1 every 2 days and 3 pessaries a day which I reduce to 2 for 1 week, then 1 for 1 week, so all meds stop on the 27th September (4 days after my dating scan) if my EDD changes after my dating scan (common so I've heard!) I'm worried I may have stopped too early. Any advice appreciated!
FET medication step down regime - Fertility Network UK
FET medication step down regime

I think that's when I cut mine back so I was off by week 12 x
I wasn't on as much but I stopped at week 8 as I wasn't very well, I'm now 10 plus 4 x
I wasn't given any step down instructions, just to stop at week 12, so I kind of stepped it down myself that week so I was off by week 13. I did feel like I wanted to keep taking them if they were doing their job, but really baby is well bedded in at this point so try not to worry. I've had quite a lot of scans and my baby measured bigger than dates from as early as 8 weeks and now measures a whole week early and I'm 21 weeks. However, I was told with ivf that the date is the date and they don't amend it based on measurements so your EDD should stay the same (unless there is a different policy in different parts of the country). So my date is 22nd Jan but midwife said she would have given me 17th Jan based on measurements at my 20 week scan. Just means I'm having a big baby eek!!! Sounds like you're doing very well. Good luck! X
thank you, that's useful and reassuring! I know the placenta takes over fully by week 12 and I'll be almost 13 weeks when I stop meds completely so I'm sure it will be fine. You'd think I'd be looking forward to stopping them!! Haha! I'm also in aspirin (self medicated) which I'll stop after my 12 week scan, so just down to 1 tablet for the remainder! I'm ok, had no problems, just exhausted at the moment but hopefully that will get better soon. Looking forward to the scan as my early one was at 6+3 so ages ago!! Congratulations on your pregnancy, 21 weeks already! Hope you're feeling ok. Xxx
Hi hope u dont mind me asking how many aspirin are u taking??...glad everthings goin ok for u and by wk 13 ur baby is well protected x x
hi, I'm taking the lowest dose, 75mg a day. Started the day after my transfer and I'll continue taking it till I know everything's ok at my 12 week scan. Hope you're ok? X
Thank u for ur reply,am just tryin 2 get some info as i suffered a miscarriage last month and alot of people have mentioned taking aspirin nxt time if i get the chance,most mentioned takin it till there 32 wks just wasnt sure of the dose..thank u am doin ok x x x
I'm sorry about your miscarriage, I didn't take aspirin first time round and it was a decision I made myself although I did tell my clinic. I know some consultants recommend it and other anti coagulant's it repeated miscarriages and a disorder known as sticky blood but I was told it wouldn't do any harm do no loss trying! No idea if it helped but hey! X
I'm down medicating from week 8 Hun il be off my oestrogen steroids Pessaries by week 10 don't panic xx

Hi embiemomma. So pleased that you are to "wean" off your medication. When you have been on something for a while, it can sometimes be a shock to suddenly stop it all. The reduction plan sounds good to me, so good luck with it all, and hope all continues to go well with the rest of your pregnancy and birth. Diane
thank you Diane. It's strange, you'd think I would be grateful to stop the tablets and pessaries after 3 months but you actually start to rely on them and worry about stopping!! I'm also taking 75mg aspirin (self medicated) but plan to stop this after my 12 week scan on the 23rd September, so then it'll just be 1 tablet (my combined folic acid, vit C and D) which I've been advised to continue to take all the way through. Thank you for your well wishes x