5 weeks, 5 days ... Brown when I wipe... - Fertility Network UK

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5 weeks, 5 days ... Brown when I wiped...

isitonlyadream profile image
25 Replies

Hi ladies

Hope everyone is ok

So this morning after first wee there was some brown when I wiped so nearly fell over in shock. Put pessary in as normal and an hour later after lying down for an hour as normal when I had next wee there was the usual discharge but tinged with pink. There is no blood on anything and it is only when I wipe...

So I've called the unit and they won't scan me until next Monday as planned as anytime before then is too early and would worry more if there was no heartbeat... They won't repeat blood test either.

I did a digital test last Sunday and it was 2-3weeks, did another one this Sunday and it was 3+ weeks

My boobs don't feel just as sore as they have been just not as full but sore to touch still.

Having a complete meltdown ... Supposed to be working today and cannot even think about it...

What should I do? I told oh this morning that there was some brown blood so he's gone to work depressed and I'm just sitting here worried like mad...

Holly xx

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isitonlyadream profile image
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25 Replies
misswinky34 profile image


try not to worry too much...(Easier said than done I know)

May still be remnants of implantation, brown blood is old blood and I've read a few women saying the pesseries can cause irritation so it might be down to that too.

My boobs were my only symptom to go on apart from +hpt and they had days where the pain fluctuated greatly, I would have a poke and a prod one day and they would kill and other days they barely hurt at all!! So cruel when your clinging on to symptoms as best you can. It sucks that you can't be reassured at all, either by repeat bloods or scan 😔

If you feel you need to pee on a Stick, don't keep using the digitals. They can be REALLY unreliable with the weeks part of the Test. I'm not kidding I spent well over a hundred pounds on them fretting about progression, I was 9 weeks and still never got to 3+ !!! ( we're 23weeks now) I much prefer to scrutinise 2 lines than a number I can't see.

Don't blame you about work, you can't be expected to concentrate with all this on your mind 😔 If you can avoid work, put your feet up with a cuppa and try to relax as best you can 😊

If your not bleeding fresh red blood or cramping there's still a great chance everything's ok 😊🙏

Big hugs Hun ❤️❤️❤️

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to misswinky34

Hi miss winky

Thank you. Well I've just used a digital (only one I had in the house) and it wasn't first wee and it's only saying 2-3 weeks whereas on Sunday it was saying 3+ but that could be because it was my first wee on Sunday.

I'm so glad you posted about not trusting the digital otherwise I'd be seriously melting down now!!!

I've no cramping and there's nothing there now so I'm just hoping and praying that it was old implantation blood 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Thank you again

Holly xx

misswinky34 profile image
misswinky34 in reply to isitonlyadream

Honestly Hun just ignore the digital. Get yourself to the supermarket and buy the normal ones. Bearing in mind I was 9 weeks and still not getting 3+ I would totally disregard what it's saying. It's a money spinner, my midwife nearly froths at the mouth when I mention them because is the stress it causes pregnant ladies. She HATES them lol.

thats great there's nothing else going on. Try and relax my lovely xx



isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to misswinky34

Thanks love

Ok I'm going to go and buy some this morning and try my hardest to stay positive. Thank you for your reassurance 😄 I cannot believe that at 9 weeks it never showed 3+, no wonder your midwife dislikes them so much.

Thank you again xx holly xx

Hopeful1982 profile image

Hi Holly

I know it's impossible not to worry and a week is a really long time to wait but some brown blood is really quite common. I had the same just before my 12 week scan but everything was OK. It lasted a few days but didn't get any heavier. its really positive that the pregnancy test you did is showing 3+ weeks as that suggests your hormone levels are increasing.

Take care x

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Hopeful1982

Hi hopeful

Thank you. It's reassuring to know others have had it too, it seems to have gone for now so I'm hoping it doesn't come back. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

I just wish they'd do a blood test or something but I know it's a waiting game now.

Holly xx

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to isitonlyadream

That's really good news that it's stopped. I know it is such a worry! I remember I was going to the loo every 5 minutes to check! x

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Hopeful1982

I know tell me about it I've spent the morning checking!!

Thanks hopeful xx

Nat6 profile image

Hi Holly,

I've never got as far as you with a pregnancy, but I have read that a lot of ladies experience slight brown old blood or light pink blood in early pregnancy. They go on to have their babies full term. Please just see how the next few days go, I know what's it's like always wanting to run to the loo to see if there are anymore changes and it drives u mad. Really feel for u at this time, please keep us updated. Stay rested.

Hoping so much for u, sending positive vibes ur way.


isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Nat6

Hi Nat

Thank you. I have read about it but you never think it's going to happen to you? After bleeding before our OTD with the fresh cycle I was just so happy to not bleed with this one and to get a positive test, now the worry is back and it's another wait until Monday. I'm going to tell work I'm not in and going to try just take it easy for the next few days.

Thank you for the positive vibes

Holly xx

Nat6 profile image
Nat6 in reply to isitonlyadream

Oh honey i really feel for you. Please do take time off work and look after yourself. Vent on here whenever you need to x

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Nat6

Thanks Nat xx

Sprinkles86 profile image

Oh Holly so sorry to read this from you, I am about 5w5d and had bleeding at the weekend, had to beg to have bloods done at my clinic... I can imagine you have been feeling all kinds of emotions, I am embarrassed to say mine was mostly anger (at the world not myself!) as I was convinced it was coming away. Bleeding has stopped now so it's just a waiting game now. Please let me know how you get on will be thinking of you xxx

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Sprinkles86

Hi sprinkles

It's ridiculous that we have to beg to have bloods done but my clinic won't do mine and have said it's a waiting game and that there is nothing that they will do at this point. I'm glad your bleeding has now stopped. Mine was brown on my first wipe then after my pessary there was pink but since then nothing so I'm hoping and praying that it doesn't come back now. Although now I've done a digital without first morning wee and it only read 2-3 weeks when on Sunday it read 3 weeks so torturing myself with that now too.

When will you get a scan?

We are booked in for Monday which is the earliest our clinic will do it.

Holly xx

Sprinkles86 profile image
Sprinkles86 in reply to isitonlyadream

My scan is booked for 20th September so another two weeks away!! Feels like forever! Don't worry about the digital I have read so much about the weeks indicator not being that accurate, and even more so if not using first morning wee! If it makes you fell any better my bleed was bright red to dark red and saturated the toilet paper when I wiped, but didn't become heavy enough for a pad. That's great you've got your scan booked for Monday not long to wait now xxx

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Sprinkles86

Thanks sprinkles...

i used a digital with first morning wee today and it's reading 3+ again so relieved by that

Just trying to stay calm until Monday!

If I find a way to make the days pass quicker I'll let you know lol xx

Sprinkles86 profile image
Sprinkles86 in reply to isitonlyadream

Please do 😂😂😂 good luck for Monday keep us posted xxx

LHow81 profile image

Hope everything settled down now. Try not to panic I had a fair amount of spotting and some heavier till about wk 9. The panic and stress is the worst thing for you so just try and keep calm. Xx

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to LHow81

Thanks Lhow

I still have some brown but it's only when I wipe and not in the toilet... I'm trying to stay calm and just hoping it doesn't get worse and hoping it just stops. Thank you for letting me know you've had it too xx

Aww I feel your pain, and waiting on top of everything you have been through is unbearable but have faith and stay positive. Can you go to your local EPU they will do bloods.

Will be thinking of you and really hope it's your time.

Big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to

Hi button

I hope you are ok.

I've tested this morning and digital is showing 3+ again and the brown seems to be going (fingers crossed 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻) so I'm just going to have to wait. But if anything changes before Monday I'll call my doctors to see if they will refer me to epu ...

thank you for getting back to me


in reply to isitonlyadream

Aw that's good news and hopefully it's just a little scare (like you haven't been through enough) lol.

I am good thanks, got my scratch booked for next week then wait for af and it will be all systems go once again xxx

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to

Ohh brilliant that's soon come around (I bet it's seemed like a lifetime to you !)

I hope so too... hopefully on Monday its all ok 🙏🏻

The scratch is fine, ten mins and it's over and done 😄

Keep me posted

Holly xx

Bumpwanted profile image

Oh that's great Hun 😊 x I had loads of heavy bleeding and spotting with Harrison and he was always fine 😊 X

isitonlyadream profile image
isitonlyadream in reply to Bumpwanted

Thanks bumpWanted xx

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