Hi all, am just looking for reassurance once again but I had some brown spotting this afternoon after having a wee and am worried about it. A lot of stuff online suggests it’s really common and can be residue from implantation. I’m 5 weeks 5 days today so still so early. My clinic have said they’ll scan me Thursday to put my mind at ease but has anyone else had this and it’s been ok? Thank you!
Brown Spotting 5 weeks pregnant - Fertility Network UK
Brown Spotting 5 weeks pregnant

I had light brown spotting around my OTD (was literally in between 4+5 and 5 weeks, because it was after my first beta and stopped after my second 2 days later). My nurse was reassuring me that it was very normal especially with ivf pregnancies, she told me that it could be implantation bleeding but also that catheter scratched my uterus while embryo transfer procedure. When second result came in she literally ordered me to relax. My beta more than doubled so I decided to take it as “normal”. It just stopped the day I got my second beta results and didn’t return. Brown spotting is extremely normal and try to not stress about that. I did try to put my legs up and rest those few days just in case (I had miscarriage before towards the end of week 5 so I was really anxious), drink lot of liquids. I just had my first scan yesterday (6+5) and baby girl (we had embryos tested so we know sex since beginning) is doing great. We heard heartbeat, 136, and it was beautiful. Next scan is at 9 weeks exactly and then I’m dismissed from fertility clinic officially 😅
Try to rest, drink electrolytes and don’t stress (I know that is easier said than done). Good luck 🙏🏻
thank you so much for sharing your story. I had 3 betas last week with the third being 1332 so I’d started to relax after that and then today when I got the brown spotting it’s put me back on edge. The clinic have said they’ll scan me Thursday as I’ll be bang on six weeks then but I’m terrified that the bleeding will be more sinister. I really hope it just stops now so I can try and relax a bit more xx
Thursday is almost here! Try to take it easy until then and do something to occupy yourself (read or binge watch some tv show) so you don’t spend time googling and reading. From what I found - cervix is very sensitive during pregnancy so anything can make us spot (sex, pushing too hard while 💩), that doesn’t mean that something is wrong!
I have actually been very constipated recently and wonder if perhaps I’ve strained a little too much and that has added to it. It’s so hard to not overthink everything isn’t it we went through an ectopic before Christmas so we have tried to do everything right with IVF this time so really hoping it works. Just wish it was easy
I know! I am looking forward to week 12 because supposedly we can relax after that 😅 I had some cramps on my left side and was scared about ectopic (because of too much googling let me tell you), turns out that’s cyst from where my egg was released and is very normal and will be reabsorbed by my body. Our minds go straight to the bad scenario! I had one chemical and one early loss so it was hard to accept that this actually worked and we are pregnant. Just yesterday was the day I finally said - ok, we are officially pregnant after seeing and hearing little heart 🥰
There’s nothing certain, but we have to believe and hope that everything will be good 🙏🏻
I had brown bleeding around 6 weeks with both my pregnancies and everything was fine. It is really common but still scary. I was still nervous when it happened with baby two even though it happened first time around. My clinic didn’t bay an eye lid, they said it is really common and not to worry … they were right although at the time I hoped they would do something to check! Wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy xxx
thank you so much for replying. It’s just made me so nervous. I read a lot about how it could also be the progesterone pessaries I’m taking irritating the cervix and so I’ve asked my clinic if I should try them as a suppository instead. How long did the bleeding last for you? Mine seems to have calmed down a bit this morning but even then, it’s only when I wipe, not getting anything in my underwear xx
I was the same, only when I wiped and it probably only lasted a day or two. I think with my first, it happened on two separate occasions. I have heard the same about the progesterone pessaries. Now you mention it, I think the clinic suggested I could try using them as a suppository but I didn’t because it settled down. Xxx
thank you, am waiting for my clinic to reply to me about swapping how I do them so I’ll go from there with those and otherwise hope it settles down. It’s so helpful hearing other people’s stories, especially success stories though. I’m just so nervous having gone through an ectopic and been trying for 3 years that I’m terrified of losing this one. Xxx
Of course you are, I was exactly the same. It is impossible not to worry when getting there has been such a challenge. Even during labour I expected it all to be taken away. I used to try and think we have been through enough, it has to be plain sailing from here (but I still worried).
I obsessively checked a website with a miscarriage probability chart which gives you the odds of a successful pregnancy. I found it helpful to see the risk decreasing week by week and that even so early on, the chances of having a successful pregnancy significantly outweigh the risk of a miscarriage.
This is the website if you think it would be helpful. If not, just ignore it.
Sending love and well wishes 😊
this website is brilliant and definitely helps to calm you down a bit. I have to remember that whilst you hear a lot about miscarriages, they aren’t as common as you’re led to believe. The bleeding definitely seems to have subsided today and the clinic have said to try the cyclogest rectally so I’ll do that tonight and hope that helps. And then pray everything goes ok with the scan tomorrow xx
Hi, yes, I had spotting when I was a little further on (I think around 8 weeks) which then stopped after around 4 days. About 3 or 4 days after stopping, it started again and lasted for another 3 or 4 days. It was only ever very light and only once went onto my underwear. Otherwise, it was only when I wiped. It was dark brown / pinkish. For me, everything was fine and I panicked like crazy but I am 15.5 weeks now and baby is doing just fine. It is so hard not to worry but checking your HCG levels and having them repeated 2 days later is a good way to be sure things are going as they should but nothing beats a scan! Hopefully you will be far enough along to see something and maybe even a heartbeat. Hope all goes well.
thanks so much. I’m having a real downer day today which isn’t helping but my clinic are scanning me tomorrow. Last week I had 3 blood tests and they went from 163-484-1332 so I know I should be relaxed about it all but I just feel so anxious over it.
It’s great hearing that I’m not alone though and I don’t seem to have any bleeding today nor am I in any sort of pain so I need to believe things will be ok it’s just hard when you’ve gone through a loss to think you’re ever going to get good news xxx
Pregnancy is a total roller coaster and the worry never seems to end. We all have the self preservation mode which programmes us to be believe we will never hold our child. Your HCG results are great so try not to worry although I know that is absolutely impossible! The fact that you did not have any pain and the spotting has now stopped is also a great sign. I did not have any cramping and it definitely made me feel slightly happier about things. I had bright red blood with my twin pregnancy at about 6 or so weeks and that turned out just fine too. Tomorrow will be here soon enough and you will be able to see your little one on the screen. I can't wait to pop back on here tomorrow and hear your good news. Thinking of you x
thanks so much! You are right, it’s so easy to get in your head with this stuff and think the worst. I’m trying to be positive but it’s not easy! My boobs feel slightly less sore today which I don’t think is helping my anxiety but I’ve also read how that can fluctuate so I need to remind myself that spotting and no pain is ok.
Thank you for sharing about your stories, it definitely helps me hearing good stories! Xxx
If it makes you feel any better, I am over 15 weeks now and still don't have sore boobs. Most of the time, the tenderness is caused by the medication and I think some people just tolerate the medication better than others. It's a benefit not to have the symptoms although it is a double edged sword as you rely on them to tell you all is ok and when they fade, you then worry that things aren't. I am relieved not to have the usual symptoms of sickness and sore boobs, means you can enjoy life at the same time as growing your tiny human ;o)
that does make me feel better thank you! I’m just in my head over it all due to medical history so I’m really hoping tomorrow’s scan will calm me down, even if I don’t see a heartbeat just want to know it’s progressing as it should. You’re right with the medications, I’ve been on them for over a month now so I suspect that my body is just getting used to them which might also be why I feel like my side effects have lessened. I also just had another wee and there’s still no blood so I really must calm myself down a bit lol xxx
had my scan and baby is in the right place! Only measuring at 5 weeks but that’s ok! I have a haematoma which is causing the bleeding but otherwise everything is progressing as it should xx
This is such great news. I was hoping you would post an update. I was measuring a couple of days behind & at this stage it's so hard to measure 100% accurately. Great news that all is in the right place & they could see baby. Also good that they know the source of the spitting and god forbid it starts again, you'll know where it is coming from. So happy for you. Congratulations. Have they booked a follow up scan for you? 😊
thank you I feel so much better today! I have a follow up in 2 weeks so now just to relax for 2 weeks xx
I had this with both my boys until after I stopped cyclogest x
could it be implantation bleeding?