I decided to do another test and had a very clear positive. Then within hours my brown spotting changed to red blood again. I think my body is being awfully cruel to me! It's been 2 weeks since my transfer and I am still in limbo as to whether I am losing this pregnancy. I just want nature to run its cause but these horrid pessaries are holding it back. The clinic and my GP won't do anything other than give me an early scan at 6weeks, that will be the 7th June. I have absolutely no pregnancy symptoms and I just know I am not pregnant. I'm finding that everyone keeps asking me how I'm doing, which on the one hand is lovely but on the other hand is reminding me of my shitty situation. Plus they don't really know what I'm going through. Gosh even my mum made a silly comment "are you still pregnant then". I wish there was a way of knowing now and getting this over with so I can continue with my life....
Bleeding for a week now but still BFP... - Fertility Network UK
Bleeding for a week now but still BFPs π€π

You can go to early pregnancy unit at any hospital and they will do blood tests and repeat them 2 days later and then again, they will be able to tell if your hcg is rising or not xx

How do i go about that? When I went to the doctor I suggested having bloods taken and they didn't feel a need to and told me to just wait it out x
I'm with buttons-123 I'd go to an early pregnancy unit. xI'm pretty sure you self refer yourself there but I could be wrong. X
I bled very heavily at 7 weeks x like a period x midwife and GP said it was a threatened miscarriage x and there was nothing I could do x baby would ok or not x I went into the scan expecting not see a heartbeat x I was amazed when my baby was totally fine x he's 17 now and a big strong rugby player x my sister also bled at 5/6 weeks x but her baby was fine x my niece is three this year x some women do bleed early inpregnancy and go on a healthy baby x the DRS don't know why that is x it's as scary as hell when you bleed x rest as much as you can x I'll keep my fingers crossed that you have a little fighter on board π

Thank you for your help, I will definitely try and get myself to an epu. It is reassuring to know that many women bleed at all different phases and still have healthy pregnancies. I unfortunately cannot help but think I am not pregnant so maybe going to an epu will help to clarify things for me x
My clinic advised me to go, but it's a walk in unit (think all hospitals have one) anyone can go and you don't need an appointment. They will do bloods etc, I also had an examination so she could see if there was an obvious bleed and check my cervix was closed. At least this way you will know in a few days what's going on xx

Oh okay so I don't need a doctors referral? I'm confused why my clinic and doc haven't recommended this I will try and find out where my local one is. Thank you x
No referral needed and they are open pretty much 24hrs at mine the unit closes at 9.30pm but then they have an emergency bit. Defo worth going so you know what's happens, it was the first thing my clinic advised X
They can't actually do anything other than blood tests, examination and tell you to rest but at least you will have an idea then xxx
I've just looked up the local one in the hospital and it says I have to be referred
Try phoning and explain what's happening, they may see you or try a different hospital X
I'm near Reading in Berkshire x
When I went down to A&E they really helped me. I was more than 6 weeks however. They gave me a scan and checked my cervix it was all ok. Hope you're doing ok xx
I was 5 weeks when I went to EPU who done more for me than my ivf Clinic if I'm honest. The ivf Clinic didn't want to see to me when I contacted them about the bleeding just referred to me EPU.
My EPU scanned me even at 5 weeks , took swobs and tested my hcg levels. However I couldn't just walk into my EPU I had to go to my Gp who contacted them and referred me over straight away, some EPU do accept walk ins but most you have to be referred. Good luck lovely definitely worth ringing to see what they say x
Or you can go to your local A&E department who will send you to EPU? Worth a try x
Thanks ladies x
Most EPUs are referral by GPor entry via A&E. I've been before and never had s good experience. It is not an emergency and I have waited up to 7 hours to be seen and then still they can't tell you anything, it's too early for a scan. But they will do bloods, just be prepared that you might be there a while! I'm in exactly the same position, just a week ahead of you. Bleeding on Thursday and now don't know what's happening. A clearblue test was positive last week showing 3+ weeks which was about right and still the same this morning three days after bleed so I don't know what to think. My scan is tues though so not too long to wait. Good luck, hope it works out for you or you at least have an answer soon. Xx
Sorry to hear that your going through a tough time as well. As I was saying to Amira, I seriously think we need better and consistent aftercare. It's not fair that different areas treat people differently after their treatment. I can't get any time off work at the moment so not sure I will be able to hang around for that long lol. I was hoping it was something that can be sorted on a lunch break. I think I'm gonna buy the clear blue digital test to see if the weeks increase as that could be a good indicator. I may just have to wait until my scan...so frustrating x
Just do what you think is right for you and what will cause you the least stress. To me, nothing can prevent a mc so I have decided not to put myself through the stressful experience of the epu, I will have my answer in time. But that's just me. The whole thing is so stressful anything you can do to reduce that then do it! Xx
I had a miscarriage about 2 months ago and I went to the emergency, I did wait for about a good 3 hours before being referred to the EPU. At EPU they were useless, all they did was examined me down below and HCG blood test (they stabbed me about 5 times to get my blood and no scan was done, I was 5wks 6days). As I got SLE and RA, I was told I'm categorised as high risk when pregnant, I thought I will have a scan earlier like 8 wks but no they sent me an appointment when I was supposed to be 14 wks+. They take people life as a joke π‘. Anyway I lost it I won't be bothering them, one less to be seen at the ante natal care. I'm still angry with my hospital.

That's awful, I'm really sorry to hear you were treated that way. It is such a tough experience for us all, I think there needs to be better after care because that is when we need it most x

What dreadful treatment you recieved! π‘ I'm sorry you went through that π Xxxx
Yay BFP!!!!!! I had lots of bleeding on and off starting the weekend before test day!! argh - thought we were out! Then at 6 weeks a bright red bleed which freaked me out and then petered out to spotting off and on until about 12 weeks. I totally thought it was over. Turns out I had a hematoma which, is very common in both assisted pregnancies and naturally conceived pregnancies. It's just much more fraught, due to what we have to do to get to this point in an IVF cycle. Aslong as levels are rising stay positive! I had a few extra scans at the EPU (just turned up) and we are also lucky to have a private sonography department so had the odd reassurance scan to monitor the Hematoma. The scans should find out where the bleeding is coming from and what is causing it and unfortunately they can't see much before 6 weeks as they will be looking for certain things on the scan that may not be present prior to this ie fetal pole, heart beat, egg sack etc. My first scan was 6 weeks and it was a horrible wait!!!!! But, my LO is now 3 weeks old!!! I hope this helps xxxx
Oh wow that is amazing news! Congratulations!! Hearing stories like that really do make me smile however it is so hard for me to believe I could be pregnant. I am in too much denial, I have literally convinced myself that I am not and I know that is not good. I really do hope that my story ends like yours, it would truly be a miracle. Do you think it's best I just wait until my 6 week scan, it's 9 days away now x
Was there much to see on your scan at 6 weeks amira?
I didn't have any scan done. But my sister-in-law had a scan done at 6wks and still could hear a heartbeat.
It's such a difficult time when you don't really know what to do! I was like you, convinced it was over!!! So do what makes you feel calmer. The EPU can take bloods and possibly scan you when you are a bit closer along. I was pretty much 6 weeks more or less when I had a major bleed so my clinic got me in for a scan the next day. Maybe at 5 weeks they could see something but could be too early. Your home preg test confirms you are pregnant, but even though it is difficult I wouldn't do another at home as you will drive yourself nutty!!! Make a plan, speak to someone in the EPU/your clinic and go from there. My Clinic also gave me extra progesterone as they didn't know what causing the bleed, in the end it wasn't low progesterone it was a hematoma. But it's a precautionary measure as low progesterone can cause bleeding! Good luck and stay positive (even though it's hard!!!) xxxx
You can either ring your hospital and ask to be put through to the EPU or attend A&E and explain your pregnant and have some bleeding and they will prob refer you to EPU. Where I am they are brilliant and have always scanned, examined and taken bloods. I saw a heartbeat at 6 wks. I hope everything keeps going well for you. It is best that you go, even if just to put your mind at ease xx
Hey Tara. I know it's been awhile since you posted this but I'm going through the same thing now. If you don't mind me asking, how was your bleeding. I'm so confused at what's happening to me. I don't know if it's a similar situation to the one you were in or is this AF....I just don't know what's going on...