Hello all.
Has anybody else experienced this??
We had our first referral appointment with a lovely lady that took our histories etc. She told me i needed a day 1,2 or 3 blood test, a thyroid test and a scan.
I explained to her about how my cycle lengths are between 26 and 32 days long and how i have struggled with working out what day1 is due to brown discharge, grainy bits mixed, sometimes, with very light blood for between 3 and 7days before proper bleeding and also brown discharge spotting for a few days after proper bleeding.
I thought i would need my progesterone looking into further as i thought it could be this dropping off too early causing the spotting but apparently not.
She said there was no need to test progesterone because the test my GP did to confirm ovulation (should be day 21 but it wasn't due to day 1 confusion) was fine.
We were told that whatever the results of bloods and scan said we would need IVF.
My thinking is.... Would it not be a good idea to investigate why the spotting happens before we pay £4000++ for IVF???
I should add that i have endometriosis and have been TTC for 7.5 years.
Any comments insights or comments are much apppreciated