**updated** - lines darker again but ... - Fertility Network UK

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**updated** - lines darker again but no progression from 9dpt

Nightingale92 profile image
51 Replies

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**updated in comments - lines keep getting darker/lighter/darker - clinic refusing to let me believe it’s over, but feel like I need closure**

I tested this morning at 9dp5dt and got a faint line. But I also have spotting (brown/pink) and horrendous cramps/backache. I’m so worried that this is going to be a chemical 😔

I’ve had 3 pregnancies before (all naturally conceived) and had spotting in the pregnancy with my only living child. But I’m worried that this may be due to low progesterone (I haven’t had my usual sore boobs etc that I get in a natural cycle).

Is this line too light for 9dp5dt? Is there anything I can do about the progesterone at this stage, or would it just be too late?

We lost our daughter to premature labour in September 2020…tried naturally for 16 months before self-funding IVF. It’s been a bit of a crazy ride and I just really hoped things would be a bit simpler 😔

Thanks in advance ❤️

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Nightingale92 profile image
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Nightingale92 profile image

Just to add that it has dried a bit darker…the above pic was at the 3 min mark, but this is from about an hour later…

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Cinderella5 profile image

In so sorry for all that you have been through and for your losses! Its really tricky to go by line darkness as it can be dependant on what you drink etc. They do dry darker so it may even get darker as the day goes on. The most important thing it that the line gets darker but your hCG only doubles every 48-72hrs so if possible test in 2 days time to see a noticeable difference. Good luck.xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you. I’m just terrified because of the spotting. It’s turned to red flecks now 😔 will just have to cross my fingers and wait it out. Xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Nightingale92

It could still be implantation bleeding. It's good that your clinic have upped your progesterone, fingers crossed for a darker line!xx

So sorry for your losses. I agree with Cinderella, tests can vary for so many reasons. Spotting brown/pink around day 9 is very common and can be implantation. Its also very early for symptoms. A line is a line as they say so I would maybe test again on your OTD and see if it has got darker. For now I would say congratulations! x

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to

Thank you so much ❤️ My clinic have upped my progesterone so really hoping that helps. The spotting has developed into red flecks now, so I’m panicking a little. 😔 will just have to test again in a couple of days and see what happens. Xxx

IVFat40 profile image

Hello hun, this was my test also at 9 days post 5 day transfer, I think they look really similar (mine was also done with FMU so likely to be the darkest it could be that day). This embryo is now almost 22 weeks along. Wishing you all the luck, I think your test looks really promising (and great they've upped your Progesterone)

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Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to IVFat40

Thanks so much for sharing. My line today is about the same - maybe slightly darker. But I woke up to heavy bleeding and clots, so I don’t think this is going to have a happy ending 😔 xxx

IVFat40 profile image
IVFat40 in reply to Nightingale92

I'm so sorry hun that must be really scary, and dealing with the uncertainty is absolutely horrible.

sun-and-rain profile image

I had a week straight with bleeding from 5dp5dt to 12dp5dt, not as much as one would expect from my usual periods, but it wouldn't be enough using a panty liner to contain it. At 10dpt I had these hot flashes that I sometimes have as period's coming, and the bleeding changed from dark pink to bright red with small clots for about 24 hours. And then it vanished. I had positive tests from 8dpt, but my betas increased the following week with only 65% every 48 hours. So I wasn't too confident everything was OK when going to the scan yesterday. But it did confirm a little beanie with a strong heartbeat 🥰 So hope's not out with some spotting ❤

Btw: My clinic told me that the 100mg progesterone I took (and still take) thrice a day vaginally should be enough in spite of the bleeding, and that too much progesterone could have some side effects too, so I never changed the dosis, and still it worked. So there's no 100% right or wrong in this game I guess. What was helpful to you or not (if anything) will show afterwards. And what has helped me might not help you at all. So the best we can do is to be patient and kind to ourselves ❤ Good luck, and take care ❤

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to sun-and-rain

Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m so pleased that it all worked out ok ❤️ That’s amazing news. My bleeding has turned into full-on period flow with clots this morning, so I’m not very positive about this sticking 😔 the line is about the same as yesterday - maybe slightly darker. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. I’ve got meetings all day and I’m finding it impossible to concentrate 😔 just feels like everything is crashing down around me xxx

sun-and-rain profile image
sun-and-rain in reply to Nightingale92

I'm sorry you have to face this distress 😥 Crossing fingers for you ❤

Vic2108 profile image

At 8dp5dt mine was even lighter, had to hold it up to the window to see it. It didn’t even go that dark on OTD and I had brown spotting for about a week. I’m now 36 weeks. Best of luck and hope it all works out well for you xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Vic2108

Thank you. I’m so pleased that you had a positive outcome. Mine is now bright red and like a period, so I think it’s probably the end of the road for me 😔 xxx

Nightingale92 profile image

After some progression yesterday, my line is so much fainter today 😔😔 I’m guessing it’s over for us. My clinic have told me to reduce my progesterone back down from 5 to 3 pessaries, and call to confirm a negative on Sunday 😔 I’m so heartbroken. We have one frozen embryo left but we spent all of our savings on this first cycle so we will have to save up again to be able to afford a FET. I also worry that it won’t work anyway, because I started bleeding before the lines got lighter - it feels like it’s a hormonal issue or something 😔 xxx

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IVFat40 profile image
IVFat40 in reply to Nightingale92

I'm so sorry hun, this is such an incredibly painful journey. I know it doesn't make this situation any less painful, but if it does turn out this one hasn't stayed, it really doesn't mean future transfers won't be successful (and for any future transfers you'll know in advance you need more progesterone, can get your levels checked at transfer etc.). I had a chemical pregnancy the transfer right before my successful one.

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to IVFat40

Thank you so much for your reply, and the encouragement. I really hope you’re right. We have had such a tough journey to get here and I finally thought there might be some light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully I just need some time to regroup and try again xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Nightingale92

Aww I'm so sorry to hear that. Sending hugs, its horrible to have your hopes raised and dashed just like that!! Rest up, take it easy and hopefully by the time you have saved you will be ready to fight on. Meantime, have a glass of wine, eat chocolate and hugs each other loads.xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Cinderella5

Thank you ❤️ Xx

Skittles11 profile image
Skittles11 in reply to Nightingale92

Really sorry to see this, its so so difficult, I was rooting for you and have been following your updates since your first recent post regarding your egg collection. It's very distressing, but please look after yourself xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Skittles11

Thanks so much - I really appreciate all of your support. ❤️ xx

Ranchu90 profile image

Chemical pregnancies ate half of my nerves in this life. I had 3 until I brought my miracle twins into this world 😤 I was fed up of seeing second line and no progression. I remember even on my successful cycle I was looking at the positive tests and I had no even a hint of happiness that it worked. Chimical pregnancies stolen my joy of seeing 2 lines...they ment nothing for me 😤🤯😵 BUT ...there is a but here... If you had a chemical then you are more likely to succeed next time ✌️🤞 I am really sorry that you have to go through this...hugs...stay strong ❤️🤗

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Ranchu90

Thank you ❤️ I’m so sorry that you’ve had to go through this so many times before. It’s so heartbreaking. I’m so pleased you finally got your twins and a happy ending - that’s amazing. Can I ask - with your chemicals did you have bleeding before or after the lines got fainter? It’s just completely thrown me off that the lines were still getting darker while I was bleeding, but now getting fainter. I don’t know if that means the progesterone wasn’t working? I thought my period couldn’t arrive before I stopped taking the progesterone? I’m just so confused 😔 xxx

Ranchu90 profile image
Ranchu90 in reply to Nightingale92

I was spotting before line got fainter even on my successful transfer I was bleeding from day 5 post transfer and I think it was because of low progesterone, when my clinic increased it my bleeding stopped straightaway. The only cycle I didn't had any spotting was when I been prescribed progesterone injection. On my first cycle no one checked my progesterone so my period showed up before me stopping the medications 😤

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Ranchu90

Yeah my period is here, too, even on 5 pessaries a day!! But still showing positive tests. No idea! Guess it’s a chemical and my progesterone was too low! 🤷🏻‍♀️ No idea 😔 xxx

I’m so sorry I so hoped for a happy ending for you xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to

Thanks so much for your support. I really appreciate it ❤️Xx

Fruitandflowers profile image

I'm sorry you're going through this and it sounds like you've been through a lot already. I had two back to back on fresh transfers and my clinic kept telling me that it was a good sign and just numbers, although I didn't see it like that at the time. I asked to change progesterone for our FET and that one worked. It may have been the progesterone, the fact that my body was more recovered and ready on the FET vs fresh, or chance, but I had the FET the month after the last loss so your body can be recovered enough and receptive very quickly. I was down hearted after two in a row and beginning to worry it wouldn't happen but when you're ready, and able to try again, try and see it as a new transfer from scratch with every chance of success.

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Fruitandflowers

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I’m so sorry to hear you experienced two back to back like that. So pleased that you had a successful one though ❤️ Was it a natural or medicated FET you had? I don’t really know anything about FETs - I’ve only ever had a fresh transfer and we only have one frozen so I’m terrified of losing it. We can’t afford another full cycle any time soon 😔 do you still have progesterone in a natural FET? I do feel like it was a progesterone issue because I started bleeding before the line got darker…but I could be wrong. It’s the unknown that is making it all so hard - I feel like we had a good embryo and it implanted, and just somehow my body has let it down 😔 xxx

Fruitandflowers profile image

I was convinced fresh was better than frozen so pushed ahead with another fresh when I probably wasn't well enough on the second one. I now wish I had given myself time to recover and I have this residual regret that I wasted a chance and yes, a good embryo, maybe even two if I think about the first transfer too...but it may just have happened anyway. I had a medicated FET but it was an entirely different experience to a fresh cycle - so much easier, gentler and just felt right for my cycle. I still had side effects and I did not get on with the oestrogen at all, but I think because it was just oestrogen and progesterone which I'd been on before and understood a little better how they would work in a normal cycle (compared with all the unknown meds on a collection), I felt more comfortable about how my body would react and being able to push back a bit with the clinic to get the right doses. I don't know about natural FETs but it's something I would definitely consider if I had another transfer, because my natural cycle is regular and my lining's always fine. I would though want the progesterone support as I think that's potentially been the problem all along. Btw, on my first transfer I didn't bleed until I came off the meds but I did have spotting on the second, so I think even with losses things can vary each time. I would ask a lot of questions of your clinic so that you know they're doing everything they can and that you're on the option that's right for you, and don't be afraid to push for what you want or to triple check things - it may annoy them, and also they may not be able to suggest anything, but at least you'll feel you have the full picture.

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Fruitandflowers

Thank you so much for all of your advice and support - it’s so appreciated! ❤️ I’ve actually called them again this morning (that makes every day for the past 4 days!!) as my line is a lot darker than yesterday (but still not any darker than 9/10dpt and I’m 12dpt today!). I had a glass of wine last night so I wonder if I’m just more dehydrated! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Being stuck in this limbo is horrible, but I’m still bleeding and the lines aren’t progressing so I need to accept it’s over. Xxx

Nightingale92 profile image

No idea what’s going on…much darker today than yesterday, but still not any darker than 9/10dpt. I *did* have a glass of wine last night, so I wonder if I’m just more dehydrated. This limbo is horrible - I really thought the test would be negative today and I could get a bit of closure. Now my brain is in overdrive. Still bleeding though (like a period) so should probably ignore today’s test and try to move on 😔 xxx

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Nightingale92 profile image

Sorry to keep annoying everyone 😔 I’m just updating so that Lolepops can see the lines I’ve been talking about. 13dpt today and no progression from 9dpt so I’m sure this isn’t viable. It’s just horrible being kept in limbo - especially as my bleeding is just light brown spotting now 😔 hopefully clinic will do some bloods tomorrow. They just keep telling me I’m pregnant if there’s an obvious line, which isn’t very helpful when I know it’s not going to end well.

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Lolepops profile image
Lolepops in reply to Nightingale92

It’s so strange isn’t it. It looks quite a darkish line on the past two days. You defo need your bloods doing. I stopped the frer tests so I wasn’t sure what mine would have looked like at this point. See what the clinic says tomorrow. I’m keeping everything crossed for you xxxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Nightingale92

Gosh what a rollercoaster! Definitley speak to your clinic and ask if they will do some bloods for you.xx

Sandyels profile image

Hi, I don't want to worry you but I had this when I had an ectopic. I would ask your clinic or your local early pregnancy unit if the clinic refuses to to do bloods. Hopefully it is all okay, but that is a little concerning.

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Sandyels

Thank you. I did wonder about ectopic. Especially with the bleeding 😬 I’m calling the clinic tomorrow anyway so I’ll definitely query that. Thank you! Xx

I had this with a chemical - sorry to be pessimistic xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to

No need to apologise! I’m 100% sure it’s not viable - it’s just frustrating being in limbo like this. I just wish my clinic would admit defeat. They keep telling me to keep taking the progesterone and keep testing. But it’s just dragging out the misery 😔 xxx

in reply to Nightingale92

I know it’s awful - I’m so sorry - I had the same. I think with all these miracle stories they can’t risk telling you to stop just in case. Thinking of you xx

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to

Thank you ❤️ Really appreciate the support xx

Petree86 profile image

Hun this certainly is a big roller coaster and I honestly applaud you for sticking with what the clinic is suggesting. In this business we always pray for a miracle so let's see what happens. 🤞🏾 for the blood test x

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Petree86

Thank you ❤️ There’s not much else I can do, to be honest. Only one more day and then hopefully I’ll have a definitive answer and be able to move on xxx

Alexm06 profile image

Hi! I have just come across your post and I just want to tell you about what happened with me (I will also upload a photo of my tests as they are similar). I googled and tried to find anything that would give me answers but I could never find anything. I was soo confused as to what my tests were doing. I had blood tests which was 91 then went down to 49. My test got lighter then darker again. This went on for about 2 weeks until I got answers that it was not a viable pregnancy. I had a scan at my clinic which was about 6 weeks showed nothing had a scan at hospital which showed a small sak. Had another scan at the clinic a week later where a sak was there but empty. I ended up having medical management as I didn’t want to wait for the 2 weeks again to see if I would miscarry on my own. I hope this isn’t the same for you but I just wanted to be honest as that’s what I wanted a few months ago. My clinic were also trying to be positive but I just knew and I wanted them to tell me the truth but they never did! Just kept telling me to take my meds x

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Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Alexm06

Oh wow. Yes your lines (and the darker/lighter/darker) look exactly like mine! I’m so sorry you went through that - it sounds awful. I knew it was unlikely to be viable as soon as I had the big bleed…so I’ve been prepared for it. I just feel like my body is torturing me with the lines changing darkness. It feels so much harder than either a BFN or a straight forward CP. I’m going to push my clinic for a scan tomorrow - they haven’t even done bloods or anything yet. 😔 it’s so frustrating, and I feel like I need some closure on it. Did you ever find out what had happened, with yours? Did they give any explanation? Have you had any transfers since? Sorry - so many questions. It’s just such a relief to find someone who has had the same experience (even if it didn’t have a positive outcome). The waiting is so hard, and it’s been such a rollercoaster. I feel the same about my clinic - I want them to just be straight with me, rather than just telling me to keep testing and taking the meds. Feels like unnecessary torture when they must know it’s not viable! Thank you so much for sharing your experience. ❤️ xx

Alexm06 profile image
Alexm06 in reply to Nightingale92

Yeah it was horrible it was over Xmas aswell. I had a blood test at the clinic which took 3 days to come back and they said they couldn’t do another one as I would get the results till after Xmas so I ended up going up to London I think it was the 23rd and got the results that they were lower that eve so I stopped my meds. Then my clinic closed and I was testing out for the miscarriage to happen and my tests then started getting really dark. I even had a dye stealer! So I called the EPU so that’s why I was being scanned at the clinic and the hospital. Yes 100% I would rather it have been negative then to have 4 weeks of pure torture! Maybe call your EPU mine were really good. I had to keep going between two hospitals as the one near me EPU is really small.

Never got an explanation well I haven’t heard yet. The best part was having to go through the tissue so I could send it off for testing as it is my 3rd miscarriage so that was great! Still waiting for answers.

I haven’t no I had to wait for 2 bleeds before I could start again. I have a scan tomorrow as I normally have cysts and I’m having a scratch so don’t want to have a scratch if I have a cyst and they can’t do the cycle as I have to do another fresh cycle. Fingers crossed I can start stims next week!

Don’t worry! I wish I had someone to ask or to give me answers but couldn’t find anything or so people giving me hope when I knew it wasn’t right! I’m more then happy to share my story if it helps anyone. I couldn’t imagine going through that again and I’m so sorry you are.

Is this your first cycle? X

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Alexm06

Thank you so much for sharing all of that. It sounds so traumatic. I’m privately funded so I’m really hoping that my clinic will just offer everything they’ve got in terms of tests/scans etc because I’ll have to pay for it anyway. But if not then I’ll definitely call EPU. I will be under a rainbow clinic if we do actually get pregnant soon, so I might try calling them too/instead. See if there’s anything they can do. I can’t stand all of the waiting and the “test again in 48hours”. It’s such BS!!

I really hope your scan goes well tomorrow and you can start stims next week! ❤️🤞I’m so sorry you haven’t had any answers - that must be so frustrating 😔😔

It was our first cycle, yes. We have one embryo in the freezer, but will need to save a bit again before we can do a FET. We conceived naturally before…I’ve been pregnant 3 times but one living child. We lost our daughter to premature labour in September 2020 and since then we haven’t been able to conceive naturally, so went down the IVF route. Xx

Alexm06 profile image
Alexm06 in reply to Nightingale92

Oh god yeah it’s the waiting that I also struggled with. Since starting this journey I’ve definitely become more impatient haha. But yeah I hate it! Oh that’s good you have one in the freezer! This will be my 6th transfer 3rd fresh. I only got one on the first which ended in miscarriage got 6 on my second 5 frozen so have used all of them now 1 being chemical 1 recent miscarriage and 1 didn’t make defrost. Luckily my CCG added another fresh round for NHS patients so I’m about to use that one.

Oh I’m so sorry you have had previous losses and especially that one so far down the line. I can’t imagine what that must have been like. You must be one strong lady!! Have they not given any reason as to why you haven’t fallen since then? X

Elsieismydog profile image
Elsieismydog in reply to Alexm06

what happened????

Elsieismydog profile image

what happened????

Nightingale92 profile image
Nightingale92 in reply to Elsieismydog

it was a really weird one. The clinic eventually did bloods which came back at 14. Second (two days later) came back at 14 too. So they said to stop meds and wait for a bleed. A week later I was still testing positive so they referred me to EPU and my HCG had shot up to about 160. My progesterone was viable, too, even though I hadn’t taken any meds for over a week. They were so confused. Next HCG was nearly 400. Suddenly they were talking as if it could be a viable pregnancy. My lining was really thin though (4mm) and they couldn’t see anything anywhere on scans. I was having bloods and scans every 2 days because it was query ectopic/pregnancy of unknown location. Eventually the HCG started levelling off….got brought in for an emergency scan (as they were leaning towards ectopic) but still no sign of anything anywhere! A couple of days later I had a big bleed and my HCG started to fall. I was just over 7 weeks when the bleed started, so it was a really long 3 weeks of no answers 😔

A few months after that we had a FET, which was a BFP and seemed to be going well, but the baby was growing slowly and eventually the heartbeat stopped at 10 weeks 😢 we did another fresh cycle - got two embryos. Our fresh transfer was a BFN and I’ve literally just had a FET today. 🤞 Hoping it’s 4th transfer lucky for us, as this is our last embryo! 🤞❤️🍀

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