Hiya lovely ladies hope all are doing as well as can be expected, on Wed there I went and got my injection to get my thaw cycle in June, after turning 30 last month we no am not getting any younger so we have decided to give the steroids a go even tho my doctor is against them but after 3 fails so far feel 8 years of hell is enough just pray with my tubes been dealt with and now no about my aggressive womb feel this is our time we should have transfer week of the 6th of June which is only 4 weeks away feeling nervous scared and excited all at once sending baby dust to all 💖
Our journey has started all over again - Fertility Network UK
Our journey has started all over again
Glad to hear babe I was thinking about you last n8ght but it was late to message.
Good luck lovely xx
Haha I was going to what's app u last night but thought was too late thank you huni hope ur doing well xxxxx

Defo your turn now babe!
2 weeks today my section is booked for eek... this time in 2 weeks il be in hospital having cuddles unless he comes early xx
Il be watsappin you to see how your doing x
Hi lynsey86, hope you are well. I have my egg collection date planned hopefullu for 6th june, so transfer if all goes well will be the same week. We're both in similar situations with no tubes and high nk cells, so I also will be taking the steriods. Wishing us both loads of sticky healthy embie luck! Xx
Aww baby2016 going through our journey together that's nice I defo was In two minds about them till spoke to Sam she's been amazing I pray we definitely get our bfp this time xxxxxx

Nice that we can go through the journey together, especially as we have similar situations ☺️ The way I see it is i'll def give the steriods a go, theres def something in my body killing off my embies, wether thats Nk cells or hydrosalpinx fluid. I've tried and done everything else, so heres hoping these steriods get our embies to stick! (Thats even if I get that far, so worried that if I get any eggs they'll be of poor quality because of my age (37)) good luck to us both! xx
Yeah it's so nice having someone going thrgh it with u not that am meaning glad it's happening to others just friends and family dont get it yeah steroids seem to be our best shot eh hun am scared of the weight gain as already put on bit of weight the now I really hope u have a good ec hun xxxxx
Wow you must be nervous. Wishing you all the best for a healthy baby and most importantly the waiting being over!
Really am so nervous as I will be thinking of its a no again wot else can possibly be wrong now as the nurses have said to me before we did think u would be pregnant by now thank you very much hope all is well with u hun xxxxx
Hi lynsey86 I having being here for long but I always got time to see how u doing 😃 Is good u "clear out"...your previous failures ...now is just fingers cross for u Hun ... I hope and believe that next time when I "visit "here u gonna have news but only good news Hun 😃😃xx
Ur so sweet olivia1980xxx I pray so much this is my time as had my op and got my steroids really hope I will be putting good news on here very soon hope Ur well hun xxxxxxx