Start pill tmr just wondered if I can have a glass of wine when using this ? And same with nasal spray ?
Is it ok to have a glass of wine when... - Fertility Network UK
Is it ok to have a glass of wine when on the pill ? I've been given microgynon and the nasal spray

I'd probably not risk it and approach the body is temple route!
I was on holiday when I started the pill and drank prosecco and wine but didn't overdo it. I just thought I would because it would be many months before I'd be able to touch it again. I gave up once I moved onto the buserelin. It's up to you - if you give up now you'll be in the habit of not drinking when it really counts but if you treat yourself to the odd glass, I don't think it will be that bad.

Hi. Latest advice is no alcohol at all when trying to conceive and when pregnant - sorry! Diane
I had a wedding to attend while I was down regulating. I couldn't face questions/looks from people as to why I wasn't drinking so I allowed myself a glass of fizz and a small glass of wine. I didn't have anything else to drink during our cycle but what I did have obviously didn't do any harm as our round of IVF was successful!
Good luck