I think I'm ovulating my 2nd time after faiked ivf. I've used clear blue ovulation testing ( have used these loads before ivf and have proved them to be wrong some times ) and it says I have my LH surge yesterday. We've tried this month, just incase. While we're waiting to decide on the next step.
However eversince I've had this, I've had abdominal pain. I have pains in my ovaries ( I believe I've ovulated from my right ovary as that's where the pain is coming from ). I have a pressure yet again in my pelvis and at times feel like af is arriving. I'm on cd23 so very late ovulation. .normally is cd 17 or 18 for me on a 30 day cycle. Just wondering if could still be the ivf drugs messing with my cycle
The thing is as I'm type 1 diabetic and on an insulin pump, this past two weeks I've had to reduce my insulin so much, which is just not normal. Normally I need more insulin around ovulation time. It's crazy. But I'm having lots of abdominal pain which is a side effect of low blood sugar. So I'm unsure if Thats the problem or if it is ovulation pain. I just don't know who to go to first. I'm going to call my diabetic nurse tomorrow but that still won't explain the pressure in my pelvis.
I'm just confused because could be a number of things going on here or ovulation could effect sugars or vise versa.
Could it be ovatian cysts? I've been told I have pco qualities but I don't have it as I'm regular do won't effect fertility. Although last month around luteal phase I had the pelvis pressure and a sharp stabbing intense pain for about 10 mins in my left ovary. I had this before and tge clinic found tge empty follicle with jaggard edges which would suggest it has burst.
I'm do confused and probs doing it to myself to confuse myself even more. I just know I do not feel "normal" after failed ivf.
I've been fobbed off my clinic and gp told me it's a trauma to the body and gave me tablets with a side effect that "could effect fertility". I called them and they said I'm swollen so the tablets would stop that. *sigh* Clearly doesn't understand a failed ivf cycle.
Maybe it woukd help me to go on the pill for a couple of cycles?? But then I'm hesitant to if the symptoms I'm feeling are just my body adjusting again after all the medication or just because of my low sugar levels.