After unsuccessful ICSI last month (i started to bleed week after my embrio transfer) my period was suppose to start today(Wednesday 18th)
Last Friday i notice that when i wipe it eas a bit of a color on paper few times.
On Sat i went for an intensive work out and after I got back i had tiny bitof broun discharge on my pantyliner (like 1/4 of teaspoon).
Since them i had few times a bit of brown stringy very small and a bit of (hardly noticeable tint on toilet paper when i wipe). No other discharges otherwise.
Also had twiches here and there but not the same as menstrual pain.
Ive done few preg tests already (one this morning) all Negative.
I was pregnant once and it felt absolutely different without any discharges so im so confused.
Sorry for TMI.
Just so confused and of course very hopeful!
P.S. Forgot to mention the back ache... Butnot sure if i lifted smth heavy (i work with kids) so it could be due to it..