Hi, just had my FET this afternoon, I’ve just gone for a wee and I’ve got a little bit of watery pale fresh blood when I wipe, do you think it’s anything to worry about? It was a tricky transfer as my cervix was tilting so maybe it’s from the extra poking about? I didn’t have this last time so am concerned.
FET today, slight watery blood when w... - Fertility Network UK
FET today, slight watery blood when wee wipe

Totally normal especially if they had trouble with your cervix. I had a tiny bit of spotting after mine because they had to use bigger catheter. Good luck 💗🤞🏼🙏🏼
Hi hunny! The cervix is very sensitive so it's from all that poking. You don't have any reasons to be stressed. Try and be relaxed.

Phew! Thank you! X

I’ve had some stringy discharge this afternoon that’s had dark brown colour like old blood in it, do you think that’s from where my cervix got irritated on Monday? It can surely be from 3 days ago? It’s not bright red so does look like older blood. I feel really negative now 😩 imagine if I come on my period in a couple days time even though I’m on all the drugs!
Hi fellow transfer and 2ww buddy, had my transfer this afternoon too! As others have said, the cervix is a very vascular area so any little poke can lead to some spotting. Good luck🤞
Hi! Nice to meet you! Thank you for the reassurance, I feel calmer now 😂👌🏻 Phew. Hope you feel ok, please keep me posted on your journey x
Yes definitely! I love sleep 😂😴
Yes it’s normal. I have experienced this on two occasions. Good luck. I will also add that I had no symptoms during the 2WW when we had a positive test so my advice would be try to relax, keep busy & positive thinking.( so easy to say I know). All the best.

Thank you this gives me some reassurance, also good to know about the symptoms! X

I’ve had some stringy discharge this afternoon that’s had dark brown colour like old blood in it, do you think that’s from where my cervix got irritated on Monday? It can’t surely be from 3 days ago? It’s not bright red so does look like older blood. I feel really negative now 😩 imagine if I come on my period in a couple days time even though I’m on all the drugs!
Hi, I still wouldn’t worry. The drugs will be doing what they are meant to. Small amounts Of dark blood can be absolutely normal but give your clinic a ring if you want further reassurance. This really is the hard bit with all the waiting. All fingers & toes crossed for you.x
No advice, just wanted to say good luck! Fingers and toes crossed 🤞🏻 it works for you this time. Xxx
Thank you so much! Will keep you posted x