I'm just about to start my first cycle of IVF (ICSI) and wanted to start a thread for those of us going through it at the same time so we can support each other My baseline scan is next week with injections starting on the 27th. I'm trying not to think about it too much and have to say I haven't really let myself get excited, sort of setting expectations really. Just hoping that I get some frozen embryos at least so it's not all resting on this fresh cycle. It's such a strange time as all the waiting has come to an end, but I don't think it's sunk in really. I'm sure it'll all be very real once I have to start jabbing myself though!! Would be good to hear from anyone going through this or those who've been through it already xx
November cycle buddies: I'm just about... - Fertility Network UK
November cycle buddies

I'm just like you but start 26th! Let's hope there is a few of us all starting around the same time to support each other! The emotions are so up and down and were not even started yet!
Im excited though and trying to stay positive! 💕💕💕
I'm the same, start my injections 3rd so bit behind you! It's mad isn't it have all tests and appointments and talk about IVF but now it's happening it's like oh sssshhh here we go!! im with missy with emotions....I have days where I get ahead of myself and all excited an days where I'm terrified, and days where I'm realistic an have to tell myself to man up an calm down ha! All over the place! God help our other halves when we have hormones injected! Good luck xx
I'd like to join, we have our first app at the ivf place on Monday (for forms and chat) but I expect we will be starting in November, had all the tests done already. I still feel a bit despondent as we've had so many let downs over 4 year of trying, being down and upset seems to be a weekly state of mind. I hope that excitement will kick in Monday tho when it becomes more real!
Hi, I'd like to join you all, this is my first cycle and I start injections on the 28th. Am most scared of ec day! Trying not to get excited but hard not to after all the waiting. Hoping you all have the best ever Xmas present 😀xx
I'll hopefully be having my frozen embryos put back in in November so while I have already gone through the scans and injection part (twice) I will hopefully be going through the 2ww with you all.
Good luck ladies x
Hey, id like to join too!! Have just come back from my baseline scan and they could only see 4 follicles but I only need one egg right?! Staying positive and start injections tomorrow, would be great to hear about others experiences!! Might help it to sink in more!! Good luck everyone! Xx
Me too ladies. I start back on norethisterone on the 10th and waiting to hear when I go for my first scan and start my injections but think it mid nov. Fingers crossed Nov 2015 is going to be a lucky month for us all 😊😊 x x
I'd like to join as well please- they said to call them on my next period- which will be mid nov and i will start my cycle then- first cycle
Is anyone else having bucerelin injections for 3 weeks first then other injection 10-12 days after? Only ask with some mentioning q baseline scan, my first scan is 3 weeks after injections start on 3rd Nov x
I have been on zoladex for two months. After my baseline scan this Monday I can have my stimulation injections for about two weeks then EC.
Think everyone maybe slightly different 😃 So good we have this to chat on xxx
Oh ok after the bucerelin I'm on menopur for 12 days which must be my stimulation one. must be different for everyone, either way we're on injections together 😁 Hopefully mood swings won't be too bad, my boyfriend said he's moving out for 2 weeks ha xx
I'm on merional last 12 days not menopur!
Hey, I've gone straight into stimming! They have me on the short protocol so have been on bcp for 2 months, now gonal f for 2 weeks to hopefully EC!! fingers crossed!!
Yes I'm exactly the same. Are you on the NHS? My friend is private and she's only on Suprecur for 2 weeks but I'm at Homerton and scheduled for at least 3 weeks on down reg...
Hi !So many people going through IVF in November! Hopefully it will be a good month for all of us!
I have been through this once and to be honest I am not looking forward to the next cycle. First 2 weeks I think are the hardest! Until you get used with the needles and with the mood which it is the worst.
This cycle I am going to have more treatment and I hope it is going to work.
Goodluck to all of you! xx
I should be starting my 2nd round of IUI, either the end of next week or beginning of the week after. Good luck x

That is good to hear, Distinction. My next treatment begins in early November (freezing). Hope you are well and very good luck!
Thank you - good luck to you too! lets hope that the acupuncture has helped. The wait has almost been unbearable! x

Yes. Shame we can't speed things up. Is there any reason why you can't have IUI successively (i.e. without waiting)? I don't understand that we can copulate whenever we like... but the waiting time for IUI seems a bit long. Are there drugs involved?
Yes, the reason is because they need the follicles to be smaller (even though they want them to grow whilst on the treatment)!! Each cycle try is 2 months apart which is bad news for me as I have a set time I'm working too!! When the next lot of treatment starts, it's using the stimulated drugs to make them bigger, I guess it's considered too dangerous if they are big at the beginning!! x
Things are also happening for me in November. It will be be my first course of IVF ICSI. I'm currently 2 weeks into taking a contraceptive, I have a scan on Monday which determine when I start injections. I'd like to join in to. Have been feeling a up and down. I'm trying to clear the decks - so I have time and space from work - and building my support network and things to keep me calm.
Hi all
I would like to join this chat!!! Had my first injection on Saturday just gone and my scan is booked in for 28th. I'm trying so hard not to get too excited but I could just bust with it all, after 4 years it's finally here.
This is my first ever post :).
Hi ladies!
Started down regs yesterday. At last! I was really worried about the hormone changes (and it could still come of course) but I feel on top of the world today!
Went for a run this morning, and full of energy and optimism.
After 3 1/2 years of TTC, and all the back and forth to the hospital (we're doing NHS so it has been a loooong process) it's a huge relief to be here.
I have very high oestrodiol (plus blocked tube, low antral follicle count and 38!). But optimistic it will happen!
First scan 11th November, fingers crossed to all! X
Mine was a 3 year wait but it's finally here. I have my scan on 28th and then find out when I can start my simulating injects. I had my down reg injection last Saturday and have felt brilliant too not sure if it's the excitement of it all finally starting tho
An oldie of 42 (43 in November). About to undergo my fourth cycle... beginning as soon as my period comes (usually the end of the month). I won't be injecting until the 3rd [at least], I wouldn't think... and then freezing. Good luck one and all!
Hi all,
I am 38 and about to start my second cycle. My first cycle I was on gonal, this one I am going to be on menupur. Anyone had this before and are they a lot more complicated? Any advice on foods, exercise or anything that else would be gratefully received. Panicking a bit as time isn't on our side. Xxx
Hey all, started stimming on Saturday and all going well apart from a horrid headache about an hour afterwards that lasts for a few hours. I have been checking on the internet and see that some people recommend baby asprin for IVF and that it can even increase the chances of success!! I am waiting for my clinic to call me back so I can ask but wondered if anyone had tried this or heard about it? x
I literally was just reading about this tonight and wondered the same thing, was going to phone my clinic tomorrow! Did yours get back to you? I think there's lots of research out there but I'm not sure all doctors support it. Plus they probably like to be careful and see how you respond before recommending something like that, given the potential risk of over stimulating the ovaries. I've been suffering awful headaches for a few days now since before I started stimming - I never normally get headaches so putting it down to the stress of it all, though the drugs cause this too. Taking paracetamol for it and trying to keep calm and rest as best I can. x
Hey, they did indeed, they said it wasnt in my treatment plan but that a small dose wouldnt hurt so am on a quarter a day! Not that it will help the headaches much but I'll try everything! Have my scan now to see how things are progressing!! Hoping for some more follicles this time! Hope your headaches ease up, but you're right, I reckon stress has a lot to do with it trying to rekax and take it east is defo the best thing !! X
Good to see they weren't opposed to it and it won't hurt anything I've called my clinic to see what they say too, since all treatment plans are slightly different. Good luck with the scan, hope it shows good progress! X
Hey thanks! Scan showed I had gone from 6 follicles at baseline to only 1 yesterday! Bit gutted to be honest but the clinic say I may as well just keep going, so looks like egg collection is Monday! Trying to stay positive!! Did you start on the aspirin? Xx
Hi i would like to join in too....
This is my first cycle and I am on Burselin and FSH injections now. I had my day 8 scan yesterday and have another one tomorrow. Since I have pcod they are on the lookout of ovarian hyperstimulation but everything is fine till now. Keeping my fingers crossed for the egg collection. Hope I develop some good quality eggs. I havnt had any mood swings due to the injections except for occasional headaches. I hav been adviced to drink lots of fluids to flush out the hormones. Any of you planning for acupunture along side treatment heard its good..
Hi, yes I've been doing acupuncture for a while now and can say it definitely helps psychologically if nothing else! It started causing a change in my cycles too, without getting too graphic the colour improved with less spotting at the end so it definitely has a positive effect on the body. I'm planning on having it at egg collection as well as transfer day, it can't hurt and I'm hoping it will help relax me. Good luck with everything, sounds like it's been going well for you so far which is great x
Just came back from first post-stimulation scan today - have a couple of follicles that have leapt ahead of the others and are nearly ready for collection, with one on the cusp and the rest lagging behind. They weren't sure whether to collect the 2/3 that are ahead on Friday or wait for the others to grow and likely sacrifice the largest one/two. Got the call from them that we are going to wait to give the rest a chance, in the hopes of yielding a larger amount at collection. Now I need to wait until Friday to see if the others are growing - wasn't expecting the waiting game to start so soon and feel very anxious! Keep thinking what if the others don't grow... Hope everyone else is doing well xx
Hey, great news to hear that you have had great response to the stimms!! And you're right it makes you so anxious, I feel mentally exhausted after the last week but after having just one follicle at egg collection on Monday, it turned into one egg, which fertilised and made it through the night and was looking great when they transferred it yesterday so am now in the 2ww!! It only takes one and with a nice number to choose from I'm sure youll soon be going in for your transfer!! I had accupunture twice yesterday before and after and it made me feel so much more relaxed!! Xx
Good luck for Friday! I have my EC Friday! All happening so quick now. Positive vibes to everyone xxx
I have started my first injection on 3rd of November it's a pain taking these injections but we have 2 do it. All the best in ur new journey and hope all goes well.
7i have just come back from my day 8 scan and my linning is 6 and I have 5 at 10 and two at 9. They have increased my stims and I will have another scan on Sunday to see if they have grown. Let's hope the little ones grown and then I will get a date for ec
Hi everyone, this thread is fab! I'm on day 3 of injections of Merional, on the short cycle so no down regulating, great to see everyone giving eachother so much support
Really hating this numbers game. Yesterday I came out of egg collection feeling very positive as they'd managed to collect 8 eggs - apparently they were looking for between 5-10 and 6 is the average on the protocol I was on so I felt relieved we were working with a good number. Today I got the call and of those 8, only 5 were mature enough to work with and 4 fertilised overnight. So on the one hand, a great fertilisation rate due to ICSI but I now have 50% less than I started with. I know eggs and embryos are different but still. Just hoping they at least make it to 3 days.
I am new to this. First ICSI aged 34, TTC 3yrs. I started DR with suprefact nasal spray a week ago, and currently waiting for day 1of next cycle to start stimulation.
Exciting but overwhelmingly scary. Not looking forward to the injections. I will have 2-3 injections every night (merional plus fostimon and zomacton on alternate nights.
I wish everyone lots of luck. I am having weekly acupuncture and taking lots of supplements to give this my best shot! Let's hope it works!
Hello, sending you best wishes and happy throughts. When you been waiting so long it's weird when it's finally here.
I found the injections are easier in the leg, much less painful, but I found I swelled up like a big fat whale during the course of injections and my boobs became super sore.
I've just had my egg collection today. I'm 38 and throughout this process I've been worried about my low follicule count. I keep reading posts of ladies having 20 eggs collected which freaks me out and is making me really anxious. They have 2 possibly 3 to go after today. I'm praying that they get healthy ones and that we have one or two to implant. I'm waiting for my husband to come back from his part of the process to pick me up and I'm praying he has some good news for us 🙏🙏.
Good luck on your journey xx
My transfer day will now be in December, frozen takes a bit longer than I thought. Good luck everyone, fingers crossed November is filled with happiness and positive results x
Hi everyone, I have my egg collection in 36 hours, took my final injection tonight! I've been changed to buserelin injection tonight instead of gonasi, I've been told I'm at risk of ohss and they will decide whether I have a fresh transfer or frozen. Has anyone else has any experience with any of this? I hope I can have a fresh transfer, I don't fancy waiting for another 3 months! X
Anyone else going through the 2 week wait? I'm finding it pretty tough and still have another 9 days to go until I can test, think I may go mad by next week!