Thought I'd share this article that I read this morning with you all...
Mr Hopeful - A Male Perspective of IVF - Fertility Network UK
Mr Hopeful - A Male Perspective of IVF

I thought this was a very sad but amazing story xxx
Wow that's so sad but well written and powerful x
Dear noodles, you know what! I read this article and read all the reviews down, saw another link shared in reviews so read that all four episodes of that article as well....... And they shared a male factor involved TTC ... Horrible rollercoaster that we all know already after trying ICSI/ IVF .. It was same. But they ended up in adoption... I am scared to my bones.. What would happen with me? I am OK in all reports, and a male factor, then ICSI, failing one fresh embryo transfer, and failing FET... Where in this black hole I would be??? I an starting medicine for FET in next week. I struggled in waiting period to reduce weight and did acheive BMI 26 after losing 10kg.
Having done all that... Losing weight, EC, FET... Where I would be in these hear what news after 2ww..... It's male factor and I don't know how much hope I have!!! I read their story in trying for many many attempts in IVF, ICSI... Didn't work then adoption..... I feel my heart is wrenched somewhere.........