I had a FET done last Sunday get my beta tomorrow 😕. I really don't know what the outcome is going to be. Iv had a few cramps, sometimes a dull feeling in lower abdo, and some backache which are also signs of Period!!!!! I'm also quite bloated. Anyone else feeling like this, mixed emotions 😟
Nervous....: I had a FET done last... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Mk123. Oh this is a nerve racking time for you! All the symptoms you describe are all perfectly normal, and don’t really point to a positive or negative result. Obviously, I wish you loads of luck for a positive Beta hCG tomorrow. Diane
Thankyou so much diane means a lot. IM so nervous but like u a few people have said these feelings can be normal. Well I will know for sure tmz I really hope I get a lovely suprise. would be a dream come true. I'm also more anxious as I had a mc in feb from s fresh cycle 😢. Thanx again for your support xxx
There you go! No wonder you are worried! I always believe that frozen embies are tough little beings though, to have gone through freezing and thawing - and keep growing! Best back in you where it/they belong. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Diane

Of course you do! Having a miscarriage does stay with you for quite a while, so your anxieties are perfectly normal. Diane