Hi ladies I am writing this whilst shaking and feeling excited! Hubby and I have been trying now for nearly 2 years and had our first private IVF treatment in November. We got a bfp but I miscarried at 5 weeks sadly. We have just been for our appt and decided to start again in March and all the drugs were delivered today. My period is also due today but I had a feeling so I did a test and got a BFP. I have never been naturally pregnant so I am not sure what to do lol, also wondering if I start taking the progesterone tablets I have from the IVF as they can only help. Just not sure what to do next x
Excited but nervous! What do I do now! - Fertility Network UK
Excited but nervous! What do I do now!

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Speak to your clinic. I spoke to mine after a surprise natural pregnancy and they didn’t want me to take progesterone xx
Aw congratulations to you, this is wonderful. I would speak to your medical doctors first before taking anything. Keep us posted . x
Congratulations! What a lovely surprise x
Congratulations wonderful surprise 💗🤗😘
Congratulations!! Xx
Massive congrats xx
I have been in the same situation before: asked my GP for a blood test to confirm the pregnancy, as I wanted to make sure we were pregnant before contacting the IVF clinic. I then called the clinic and asked for some advise. They did not prescribe any type of medicine, but made an appointment for early scan at EPU x
Ah fab congrats! Brill news. Lucky u! Yes best to see what the clinic say. I would imagine with natural pregnancythe dose of hormones already in pur body is different to that when going through ivf xx
Congratulations! So happy on your behalf.
Congratulations. Wishing you a sticky bean xx
Congratulations! Wonderful news. Wishing you a healthy, happy pregnancy.😊
Amazing, congratulations and fingers crossed for you xxx
Congratulations that’s fab news xxx