I have been a silent follower since last year but will be posting a bit of my story.
I am 34 / 35 end of this year and have been trying to conceive since I was about 20 years old.
Now everytime I visited the gynaecologist they've told me everything was normal and as everyone else they've insisted that it was from my head and that if I stopped thinking about it it would come...
My husband and I now have been trying for the past 7years, we had an ectopic (2007/right tube removed) and a failed IVF (2009).
Since then we have tried to conceive naturally as docs said there was still some chance. To help increase those chances we tried everything we had been recommended (i.e vitamins, reinforced diet, acupuncture, relaxing breaks...).
There were a few times where I felt I was pregnant (heavy pms symptoms) and tested however none of them were +ve.
I decided to stop myself testing just to avoid more disappointments and have since been busy furthering my career and moving on with life.
I had a dye test last year (Feb) where I was told my everything seemed normal but my left tube was deformed. When I spoke with the consultant I asked if that would be the problem and was told that it wasn't but that they suspect suspected I was suffering from Endometriosis. As such I was offered a pelvic laparoscopy (with dye test) and Hysteroscopy to clear the Endometriosis and hopefully enhance our chances of conceiving naturally. That gave me a little window of hope and filled me with optimism 😊.
After along wait I finally had my surgery(2wks).
After my procedure I was told that I did not suffer from Endo however my tube was completely blocked hence my chances of Conceiving Naturally went from minimal to none😳.
I have been at home for the past couple of weeks now and can't wait to get back to work as it hasn't been easy to be alone with my thoughts ...
I am going back to see the consultant by the end of this month and have been offered another appointment in May for the fertility clinic .
Not sure of anything yet but I will post some news after my appointment 😉.
We've had our ups and downs , and on many occasions I just felt like giving up and started thinking of adoption however we are still going to give it another go at IVF (which was suggested by the consultant after my surgery).
So fingers crossed this time it will work and I pray that all of us going through the same pain and pressure manage to find peace and happiness .