At the beginning of May we were seen at the local infertility clinic. They advised lap & dye due to a lifetime of severe period pain (suspected endometriosis), 6 months of clomid, then IVF. At that appt blood was taken for an AMH test.
A couple of weeks later I got a call to say my AMH had come back low for my age (4.2 and I’m age 30). They asked for it to be repeated and it came back as 6.9 the second time. The IVF criteria is a minimum of 5.4. They cancelled my lap & dye and wanted to see me in clinic.
I had the appt this week and it didn’t go too well. The consultant was dismissive about my AMH and couldn’t understand why I was worried about it now it’s within the IVF criteria.
He said I could either go straight for IVF, or still have some investigations done first. Either lap & dye or just the dye test.
Am so confused and very stressed. I don’t know whether to go ahead with the lap & dye in the hope that we may conceive naturally, or in the case that we don’t, to make sure everything is as good as it can be ready for IVF.
Or am I being short sighted not to just go straight to IVF? Would an IVF clinic want these investigations to have been done first?
Am also worried that the lap could further worsen my AMH levels.
Has anyone been in a similar situation or have words of advice please?
Thank you.