Had the best news a few weeks before Christmas - a positive pregnancy test! Had failed round of ivf in September and were told by our fertility consultant that the chances of conceiving naturally were extremely low and they recommended a round of icsi (which we'd have to fund ourselves as only get one round on bhs in n. Ireland). So we knew we had a rough ride ahead, emotionally and financially but decided to not even think about it until after Christmas. 2 weeks befor Christmas I just felt different and decided to do a test, it was positive - as were the 6 others that I took! I got it confirmed with my doctor a few days later and we've just had our 10 week scan!!!! So, so happy
The best news we could have dreamed of! - Fertility Network UK
The best news we could have dreamed of!

woow that is excellent news.. all the very best for you
How lovely to hear of such a story. Congrats to you, that is just wonderful news. I am 10 weeks today too
You were lucky to get a 10 week scan, I have to arrange that privately and waiting for the big 12 week nuchal scan. Anyway, lovely happy news. How are you feeling?
I have been extremely sick, hospitalised with hyperemisis gravidarum, needs drips etc. But feeling much better now, its just normal morning sickness now.
Look after yourself. Congrats x

Thanks! Yeah in n. Ireland they've changed it now to scans at 10, 20 and 30 wks. All the best in your pregnancy
Ah I see, great. Northern Ireland, lovely with possibly the loveliest people there are..
My parents from the south (Ireland) always preferred the northern people lol
Plus my endometriosis surgeon who really helped me is from there, Enda McVeigh.. lovely guy and v good surgeon if you ever know anyone who needs endo surgery!.
Keep us updated.
Congrats!! The same thing has happened to me after 2 failed ivf attempts we fell naturally 2 months after failed attempt and now just under 7 weeks! I still can't believe it xx
Amazing news! Congratulations! x
Awwwww ur a very lucky lady..... Congrats and good luck xx
Such wonderful news. Wishing u both all the best x x
Congratulations!!! What a lovely Christmas present! xx
Congratualtions xx
Always nice to hear
Huge congratulations marie! What a nice way to start 2015....and thanks for heads up about scans in NI, I didnt know they had changed. ..hope I get to have one some day!! Wishing you all the best xx