What are my chances of conceiving at 37 - Fertility Network UK

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What are my chances of conceiving at 37

Lizyfox profile image
29 Replies

I am 37 years old and I am considering IVF. We are looking for legal options which are not too expensive. Due to personal reasons we could not plan a child till the age of 35 and I really want one now! I have tried meeting a lot of infertility professionals in my area and have completed 3 cycles of clomid but have been unable to conceive till now. Even after a lot of effort and meeting infertility professionals, I have been unable to conceive till now. I want to know my chances of conceiving before I go ahead with IVF since it is expensive and I want to be completely sure before I start the first cycle.If any of you have been successful in conceiving in the age of 37 or more do let me know so that i can decide if i should go ahead with IVF or not.

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Lizyfox profile image
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29 Replies
emmab178 profile image

I was 38 at the time of ivf and was successful first icsi and that was with one ovary. I had 5 eggs collected and three Went to blast and we have one that was suitable for freezing.

Think they said 30% chance for the age range i was in.

Have you had your amh taken giving you an idea of egg reserve? There's even some on here that have had low Amh and had success.

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to emmab178

Thank you for the response! Your example is extremely encouraging and it has certainly motivated me to try harder. We are very eager to get the procedure started but i have an AMH is 0.55. i have heard that the levels decline with age. We cant afford multi rounds of IVF since it costs a lot. We have been recommended to try egg donation if all else fails and i am extremely confused about that. I am going through an emotional roller coaster since i feel like i might fail due to various reasons. What was your AMH when you conceived at 38? Did you have any other complications when you were trying. Do let me know since any information is helpful at this stage.

emmab178 profile image
emmab178 in reply to Lizyfox

I had half the normal amh at 7 on one test and 8.88 on another (my clinic said there are differences in the two places that give the test and they trusted the Scottish one more so it was retaken but they were both the same more or less). I think i remember them also checking my base follicle amount to double check it was in line with the amh result. This was a scan something like up to day 5 of the cycle.

I don't have any other complications such as pcos but i do have endo although no-one has a definitive answer on how that effects fertility. We do have male factor issues aswell so had icsi.

There are people on here with low amh might be better to start a new thread on low amh and age and see what experiences people have. X

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to emmab178

Great! Thank you for the information and the idea. Will do that right away!

Cinderella5 profile image

Hey I started trying around the same age as you, didnt meet the right person until then. If you have been trying for a few months then it would be worth seeing your GP for basic fertility tests. Just to check the you are ovulating and that your other halfs sperm count. Unfortunatey we were in the position that my hubby has an extremely low sperm count which we wouldnt have know if we hadnt gone to the GP so had not choice but to proceed to IVF. Best of luck!xx

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Cinderella5

Nice to know that you started at the same age as mine. Are you undergoing a treatment currently. Or have you already conceived?

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Lizyfox

Hey, Ive had two failed rounds of NHS IVF - my first one didnt count as I had a cyst. Unfortunately we've been told due to my age and egg quality that my eggs are unlikely to work and we have almost no chance of conceiving naturally due to my hubbys low sperm count. Out next chapter is a private donor egg round.xx

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Cinderella5

Hey! Have you opted for a local clinic or are you looking at other countries as well. Do let me know since i am on the lookout for a good clinic.

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Lizyfox

Hi Lizy, we have decided to go abroad due to financial reasons and we want to start a fresh so not sure how much help I am. If you want to know where Im going then let me know and I will PM you as clinic recommendations arent allowed on here!xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Lizyfox

Hi Lizyfoz, just in case you are looking for a comparision, my AMH was 7.19 when I first started. They dont retest after that but I presume this has dropped, as this is expected with age.xx

Veekay80 profile image

Hiya, im 37 and have just started my first round of IVF, i didnt meet my partner till a few years ago and it just felt right, but we have unexplained infertility, we have had numerous tests and have come back fine so they recommended IUI (failed) and ivf which we are starting, i would advise just to go ahead, what have you got to lose?! Speak to your GP who will go thru everything with you. Good Luck!

Tugsgirl profile image

If you have a good egg reserve and good quality eggs, that when fertilised with your OH's sperm, make great embryos, then being 37 is not an issue. I'm 37 now. We did our first round of ivf when I was 36. My clinic has assured us that our embryos are good and that our age isn't an issue in using them xx

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Tugsgirl

Hey. Good to hear from people in the same boat. how is your IVF going on? My doctor has told me that my ovarian reserve is quite low therefore i am not too sure about how much IVF can help me . He also said that the success of IVF depends on the quality of my eggs. How did your first round of IVF fare? Do you have low AMH as well? How did you choose your clinic. There are too many questions in my mind and any kind of information can help at this stage. Do tell me more about your experiences I am all ears!

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Lizyfox

It isn't so much a quantity problem because it only takes one but it is down to quality. I'm lucky in that for my age I have a good egg reserve (I did before ivf lol) and my eggs with my OH's sperm, make good quality embryos. I don't have low amh, well at least I didn't when we started out..

On the first round, the fresh one, I did short protocol because I have a polycystic ovary. I'm lucky that I ovulate on my own though. We are classed as male factor infertility because my OH is a T4 paraplegic. I produced many many follicles and at egg collection 14 mature eggs were harvested. We took as many as we could to day 5, 5 of them in all. We had a perfect hatching blastocyst put back, a perfect treatment cycle but we had a bfn.

Next time I did a medicated fet and down regged for 28 days prior. That time we got a bfp. All was well at the 6 week scan with the little heart beating away but at my 8 week scan we were given the devastating news our baby had died. Surgery followed the day after my 37th birthday.

We are now doing another fet, a natural modified fet. Transfer should be in 1-2 weeks dependant on which day I ovulate.

As for the clinic we didn't choose it no. Because our fresh round was ivf funded we were just allocated the clinic. However I am more than happy with our clinic.

Don't worry about asking questions, it's what we're all here for! 😊 xx

Hannah143 profile image

Have you had your FSH and AMH levels tested? These tests will guide you as to how likely it is you can conceive. It's not really about your age as possible to conceive at any age as long as your fertility levels are strong. If today haven't been tested yet, this is the first thing I would do. Good luck xx

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Hannah143

Hey! Thank you for replying. I recently got my FSH tested and it is quite high at 14. I am kinda freaking on these values. Do you have any first hand experiences. If yes, do share them with me il be thankful to hear them.

Hannah143 profile image
Hannah143 in reply to Lizyfox

Hey Lizyfox, as a general rule FSH over 10 indicates low ovarian reserve, some

NHS clinics won't treat ladies over 10, but private clinics will. The lower the FSH number the better.

And AMh is the other way round, the higher the number the better, a low number is bad, anything under 5 is low.

However there are ladies that get pregnant with extreme readings so don't give up hope.

My readings were FSH 10 and AMH 4.6 now, it was 6 two years ago so is dropping off. I've been trying for 3 years and am moving to donor eggs. My last IVF with my own eggs was a disaster that there is no point doing it again.

I would recommend that you move to IVF soon as it will only get harder. 😘 good luck on your journey xx

MonkAK profile image

Hi there, I also didn't start trying until 35 as I was too focused on my career until then and the timing just didn't seem right. Naively, I didn't think conceiving would be a problem as most of my friends have had their children later in life. After 2 years of trying and having all the tests, our infertility was unexplained. I was 37 when we had our first IVF cycle, which ended in a chemical pregnancy, but with 2 embies in the freezer. We got 5 eggs overall, 4 of which fertilised (with straightforward IVF, not ICSI) and became good quality blastocysts. We had the remaining two put back a few months later and I am now 8 months pregnant with our little girl - feeling absolutely huge, very hot and ready to drop! It definitely can happen, but I would get going as soon as possible if I were you. Good luck! Xx

Blondyboo profile image

all depends on you and how your eggs are you might have the egg quality of a 20 year old or a 50 year old. you need to ask for AMH level blood text and base follicle count to see where you are at x

Alice_W123 profile image

Almost 37 (at Oct).

Doc said: If I`ll recover health there`ll be 20% chances (per cycle).

As i understand you`ll pay yourself for IVF, right?

Choose some abroad companies with many attempts within one agreements.

I found 5 for 10k. And they even refund in case of no success.

P.S.: as I think they`ll provide you DE if your 2-3 first attempts fails.

P.P.S.: even older women conceives children (60, even 70 years old), so why we can`t?

Only if this is physically possible, of course.

Sherry07 profile image

Hi Lizy, I'm 37 and have been trying for over 1 year now. I had 2 cycles of clomid and one iui which were unfortunately not successful. We did all the tests and were diagnosed with unexplained infertility at the end. The clinic put our names on the ivf list and just when it was my turn I got pregnant naturally, which ended up in being an empty sac followed by a natural miscarriage. I'm currently waiting for my 3 cycles to pass to be able to go for my first ivf. I would suggest you to carry out all the tests for both sides like ovulation, egg reserve, checking tubes, sperm quantity and quality and then decide what to do next. Wishing you all the best 🙏

Gueritarubia profile image

Building on the others' feedback on AMH and FSH and ultrasound with follicle count...

I'm 37 and now 14 weeks pregnant after second cycle IVF.

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Gueritarubia

That is awesome! what was ur AMH and FSH when you were trying to conceive.

Gueritarubia profile image
Gueritarubia in reply to Lizyfox

Don't remember to be honest but they were good for my age

Mrsjj profile image

I conceived my first child naturally at 39 after TTC for almost 5 years. If there is no reason or problem found then don't be labelled or made to believe your age is going to prevent you.

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Mrsjj

Thank you for the supportive message.

Kattalex1 profile image

Hi, I have had 3 fresh ivf cycles now - at 35, at 37 and 38... all three resulted in a positive pregnancy ... actually 6 weeks pregnant following 3rd cycle... all over this after TTC for 12 years...

Lizyfox profile image
Lizyfox in reply to Kattalex1

Hey Kattalex,

Thank you for your advice. Means a lot!

Nataliajason80 profile image

At the same age my AMH was 0.7 with AFC of 5-7, which dwindled towards the lower value most of the time. I first had an unsuccessful IVF which was very disappointing. I took a break since the first round turned out to be expensive for us. I wanted cheaper treatment and I started exploring options abroad in Russia and Ukraine. Someone then told me about this Ukrainian clinic and I chose this option since they were offering multiple tries in just one package. In the second try, my pregnancy was confirmed and I delivered a healthy baby boy! Good luck to you. I am sure that IVF will work well for you. All you require is a little patience and time.

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