I have been for my appointment this afternoon with my consultant, he was explaining about this procedure and why I need it, I have thickening of my fallopian tubes and so need to have this procedure so they can plug my tubes and stop them releasing any harmful things to the foetus once they implant it by ivf....the thing is I had lots and lots of surgery when I was a baby on my tummy and there is a small chance that they wont be able to fit the plugs into my tubes...if so the only other option would be to operate on my tummy again, my consultant is very very reluctant to do that as there is already an enormous amount of scar tissue on my tummy! so now I have to just keep my fingers crossed that they manage to fit them without surgery ...just whilst I am posting I would like to mention to all you people going through ivf the terrible comments made by dolce and gabbana regarding ivf babies...they branded them as synthetic!! not helpful when you are going through these terrible times!! there views are really out dated and comments are very nasty I just hope they don't upset anyone on here and everyone sees them for the NONSENSE that they are!! #boycott dolce and gabbana!!! good luck in you journey people I hope you all get to be parents one day xxxx
ESSURE...: I have been for my... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Liz1985, it sounds like your consultation went well and you have a plan in place. Hopefully the procedure goes to plan and you can get on with IVF asap! Take care x
hopeful1982 ...you are amazing thank you your kind words and advice have really helped me thank you so much xx
how did your appointment go?
It went well. They took some bloods and said the results would be in a few days. They also checked my BMI, blood reassure and that I don't smoke. There were lots of forms to complete and they explained the ehole IVF recess. It's all steps in the right direction!
Anyway, next step is for the clinic to write to us with all the details. The letter will tell me which month to start IVF and I call them the first day of my period in that month.
Feeling really positive at the moment which is a nice change! I don't think worrying now will make a negative cycle any easier so just going to hope for the best.
Take care. Message me if you ever need to talk x
thank you love im glad it all went well for you...giving up smoking as been hell for me especially at such a stressful time!1 lol but will be worth it im sure fingers crossed!! glad all went well for you xx
Glad you've got through and done your first meeting and bloods! Little steps eh?! I reckon after all your patience and waiting when you start the meds it will start to fly by and you'll be on your 2ww in no time! Do you know how long you've got to inject for?
Exciting times lovely xx
Hi Hope23, it feels like it takes an eternity! The consultant couldn't give us a starting month at the appointment but said he thought it would be quite soon. I feel ready to go! They didn't say how long I would be injecting for but that I would get a letter explaining everything.
How are you getting on with your 2ww?
Yeah not too bad. It does seem to have gone a bit quicker this time. But have had low down ache and pinching hot ache rather than twitches and stabs that I got last time. So been a bit worried that it hasn't worked this time. But oestrogen plays havoc with endometriosis, and I'm on 3 pills morning and night along with the progesterone pessaries, so it may be that my endom pain has flared up again and that may be masking the implantation pains. Who knows. The analysing takes over sometimes. But trying to be upbeat and positive. But just feel different
Thanks for asking after me xx