Hi everyone as you can probably tell from the title im not feeling particularly good today.
Firstly some good news i have been on buserelin injections for the past 3 weeks and today was told that all was well so i have been put on the progynova tablets for a week All this is leading towards a frozen egg transfer which if all goes to plan will be happening within the next couple of weeks.
Now for the news which has made me so angry it took me nearly the entire day to actually calm down. I have been having ivf with homerton hospital in london for the past year. I started this treatment absolutely clueless, and have always accepted everything that i was told by the clinic. However whilst being on this forum i realised that for example a hsg test was not done to determine if my tubes were blocked. So today i asked my consultant why i was never told or offered this test, his answer was "did you never have one done in the past?" and i just gave him an annoyed glare and his final responce was "i can have one arranged if you like" i just couldnt believe how inconpitent a clinic could actually be. I started getting angry at this point..... and started becoming quiet firm with my words and stated why this test hadnt been done in the beginning and why i was diagnosed with unknown infertility when all the necessary areas were not checked, and maybe all i needed was a simple procedure to unblock a tube so i could conceive naturally. His answer was "even if your tubes are blocked we cannot open them so ultimately you would have had to go through the ivf treatment anyway.
Is this really true? Has anyone on here had blocked or damaged tubes and their clinic actually told them that they cannot open them. I have absolutely no faith in anything this clinic tells me anymore so i just want to make sure that they are presenting me with facts. Why would they not unblock a tube especially since i am receiving full funding!!.
Im sorry to go on but im just frustrated today i feel really let down and now feel angry and hopeless to be frank.
Thank you for reading and let me know of your opinions please. Xx