Hello everyone
I’m over the moon to say we got two positive tests yesterday and one today (which was my official test day 14dp5dt).
For anyone who doesn’t know we’ve been ttc for almost 3 years, I have stage 4 endometriosis and this was our first IVF cycle.
Absolutely delighted to have made it to the next stage, however this has brought on a whole lot of new anxieties! I’m very concerned that I’ve been having severe pelvic pain, particularly around my groin, burning across my whole uterine area and the sharp shooting pains I normally get from endo. I was so sure my period was going to start that I was convinced it was a BFN. I’ve asked the docs and they said it’s normal for anyone to get some pain during early pregnancy, so mine is just heightened by the endo. It feels worse than it normally is, though this may be due to the fact I can’t take the copious amounts of ibuprofen I’m used to taking regularly. I have read online and on this forum that this pain is normal for endo girls, it’s so difficult to not panic though especially as it’s constantly reminding me that things might not be quite right in there. I’ve been told I can take paracetamol, but I don’t really want to be taking this and I feel I have to decide if the physical and mental pain justifies me taking painkillers everyday. Has anyone got any advice on this? Also I’ve been told to stop taking progesterone.....is this also normal at this stage? Due to my endo I’m worried my estrogen levels may rise and progesterone drops. I don’t get a blood test for another 2.5 weeks.
Thanks, Debbie x