Hey everyone,
I had my double embryo transfer on the 30th March. My OTD was Friday 9th April at 10dp5dt, and I took a HPT in the AM and to my surprise the test was positive, although a faint positive but two lines nonetheless. Sadly my beta results came back low that Friday night (+progesterone at 45). They said to continue with meds but expect the worse.
I retested Sunday and did get a stronger line and was trying to remain hopeful that our third transfer had worked... sadly it was confirmed yesterday that my HCG is dropping and I’ve had a chemical pregnancy.
I feel so defeated even though I was told to expect the worse. That’s two embryos we lost in one go. I’m lucky to have two left (2x 3BB) but I’m not feeling hopeful for them given the other three transfers (four embryos) have all failed.
This is the furthest I’ve gotten with IVF, so I know my body tried to accept the embryo but it didn’t continue. I’m really tired of being told it’s just bad luck and a chromosomal issue. I’ve had a miscarriage (natural pregnancy), two unsuccessful transfers and now a chemical which tells me there is likely something there to be explored further. My consultant disagrees and doesn’t think further testing is necessary but I’m going to push her on it.
I’ve already received a few tips from some ladies in terms of asking for immune panel test and karaotyping test. Has anyone got any other suggestions of tips or questions I should be asking/discussing with my doctor at this stage?
💛 xx