Just home from EC feel fine so strange you don't really remember it, hopefully won't be in too much pain once pain relief wears off. Went in with 2 follicles and managed to get 1 egg I know it's not great but it could of been none. They are ringing me tomorrow to see if fertilised then back Friday for embryo transfer if it has.
EC today: Just home from EC feel fine... - Fertility Network UK
EC today

Good luck, thinking positive thoughts for you! xx
Good luck hun!! Just take it easy and rest.. you will have a bit of pain tomorrow but drink lots of water
Fingers crossed for you... it only takes one!! xx
I felt every little bit of my EC, make sure you get plenty of rest and put your feet up after, it only takes the one embryo to work remember. Wishing you all the hope and luck in the world. Think positive, Good Luck xx

Oh god poor you I remember her saying I would feel dizzy then she was putting second thing in and then remember been back in the bed in the ward so strange.
I am trying to be positive, I'm just happy we had one egg we could of had none so will wait and see just glad we have it ago and didn't just cancel like they recommended.
Good luck!
I had my EC under general anaesthetic, usual procedure at my clinic, so I think you're really brave having it without.
I was sedated don't even remember it. Hubby says I didn't seem in pain. Defiantly won't be worried next time x
I was also sadated Well! suppose to had been but a felt awake through it all and felt it all, i did ask the nurse the nxt day why i felt it, she said all women bodies are different with some the sadation drug goes to there head and they don't remember or feel a thing and with others it doesn't have that much of affect on them. Yes one is better than none, i wish you luck and hope you get a good result tomorrow. lets us know the outcome. Good Luck to you and your hubby, XX

Thank you, yes I feel lucky never been put to sleep or been in hospital for anything before this so feel lucky it wasn't bad x
Take it easy and i would recommend not going back to work for 2 weeks . you deserve that time off your body has and is going through a lot so don't underestimate what you're body needs . I know it's difficult this time of year but trust me you'll need it emotional . I'm a complete workaholic so I thought I'd be ok but I'm so gald I did what the hospital advised as I am 33 pregnant on my first and only a tempt.all the best and I'll be sprinkling baby dust over you xxx
I was fine on the day of my EL but suffered for a couple of days afterwards, I had a lot of eggs collected though (apparently I smashed statistics) so my ovaries took a bit of a beating. I would recommend taking today off at the very least x
I think I'm the complete opposite as I only had two follicles they weren't down there that long and even this morning I can't feel anything lucky from a pain point of few just not lucky on eggs x
Hello never got the call today, I patiently waiting until quarter to 11 before I chased (they supposed to call 8.30) they said the eggs have fertilised but they need to see in the morning if it's divided and if so I will go in tomorrow to have it put back in. Still 50/50 chance so all in the lap of the gods what will be will be. At least if we have to start again won't be so scary second time round x