Can't update you. : Hello lovely ladies... - Fertility Network UK

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Can't update you.

36 Replies

Hello lovely ladies. I can't update you as rang my gp surgery as instructed yesterday. And they have my blood test result but no one has looked at it!!!! So despite being told they would be ready today at 2pm they are not!!! She originally said phone back monday until I said its important she then said she will try and get someone to look at them as soon as. Stand it took three times of me asking if I phone back later for her eventually to say if you want to. I feel as if she did not totally care at all. I don't know what to do now. :( x

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36 Replies

I'd pop into the surgery and tell them how stresses you are - cheeky gits, do they not realise how important this is!!! Goodluck for the results. xx

in reply to

Thank you yellow rose. I will be ringing back but will demand to speak to a emergency doctor and ask what I need to do until I get my results back on Monday. Either that will make them look at them. Or at least help with what I might be able to do. ️Xx

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Piglet12, Yes you demand my love to either speak to some one for some one to give you your results Now or get your hubby to take you to hosptial and ask to be seen and get them to do another scan just to confirm every thing is ok and to see why your still bleeding just to put your mind at easy. XXX

in reply to

Hello. Inhopeofbaby. I rang back an hour later and demanded to speak to. Emergency doctor and he said my hcg level has gone from 176 to 428.6. So that is good.and he said just relax Tkae it easy. So I'm doing that. Thank you for all your support. I am so relieved it is a huge pressure of my mind. ️Xx

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brill news well done xx

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O my! that is good a big increase with your hcg level, im so please for you that you got your results in the end and every thing is ok, I bet you are so relieved a huge pressure of you mind. Now do as the doctor tells you just relax and take things easy and make sure your looking after your self. Lots of love to you XX

in reply to

Hello all. I'm so so relieved now. It is a high jump in nine days!! I'm am now relaxing lots and drinking lots of water. And taking it easy. Just what the doctor said. Thank you everyone for all your support. Means alot. :) hope your all ok. Xxlot of love back. Xx

seekingpeace profile image
seekingpeace in reply to

That's fab news lovely - well done you! You must be so relieved. Please try and relax and enjoy this special time (although I know that's far easier said than done!). It's so nice to be able to send someone hugs for positive news xxx

seekingpeace profile image
seekingpeace in reply to

That's fab news lovely - well done you! You must be so relieved. Please try and relax and enjoy this special time (although I know that's far easier said than done!). It's so nice to be able to send someone hugs for positive news xxx

in reply toseekingpeace

Hi seekingpeace. Thank you for your lovely words and reply. I am relaxing now and enjoying it now. How are you doing sweetie. Xx

in reply toseekingpeace

Hi seekingpeace. Thank you for your lovely words and reply. I am relaxing now and enjoying it now. How are you doing sweetie. Xx

miannach profile image

Hi Piglet, glad you rang them back and that things are sounding positive. Keep relaxing and still thinking of you. Xx

bella79 profile image

Hi piglet12 I'm so pleased for u.I was hoping so much it would b good news. Rest up and look after urself xxx

in reply tobella79

Thank you bella79. Me and hubby are so relieved. I did not know it was actually very common to bleed in pregnancy. But 1in5 women do. So clearly im one of those. I'm resting lots. Only cooking and washing up. And occasional stroll into town. how are you feeling. ️Xxx

Well done lovely, fabulous news. Just try to relax- lots of treats I think! X

in reply to

Hello. How are you getting on. Hope your ok? Thank you very much. I am relaxing lots and lots. Only cooking meals now. I am going to go for a little walk tomorrow to see my brother of at the station as he is going to Mansfield for ten days. Ordering pizza tonight as I have been good all last week and yesterday with healthy eating etc. looking forward to it. Xx

Hello- I don't blame you. I'm a great believer in a little of what you fancy! I've had steak tonight and alcohol free bottle of red- just because I fancied some indulgence. I'm back at the hospital tomorrow. So Monday saw a little improvement - x2 more small follicles, so they're giving me until tomorrow.....I also foynd out my oestrogen levels are low, which indicates no eggs in the follies. But having mind managed this news that it doesn't look too hot for us, my coping mechanism has kicked in, and I'm a bit c'est la vie .... Which is better for me, because anxiety anger & tears are horrible. I'm sure they'll be tears tomorrow if it's the end of this IVF road for us at this time, but we can consider alternatives, in ED & adoption. In the mean time, I'm enjoying my strawberries and cream and just trying to kick back.

So pleased everything is good for you. Positivity keeps us going on this site, so keep us in the loop. Mansfields a funny place for your brother to go for ten days ( no offence to anyone from there). It must be work and not a holiday I'm guessing? X are you south or north? X lots of love and luck X

in reply to

Ooh that's sounds nice. And strawberries and cream. Yum. :) I really hope it is good news for you tommrow. Will be praying. There are always other options. But cry it all out. Makes it better. Thank you for being pleased that all well with me. It is for work yes. To work in threatres with our older brother. I'm South. Lots and lots of love to you to. ️Xxxx

in reply to

Hopefuljo - I'm jealous of the strawberries and cream. I had a mince pie, but it's completely organic so that's my odd way of not feeling guilty.

How are you getting on hopefuljo? How long have you been stimming for now? Were the 2 x follies on scan 1 or 2? Interested as I am also a v low AMH girl and really doubt that I'll get any follies on Friday (first scan since stimulation, which Ive been on for 6 days)

What drug and dose are you on? I am on Gonal F 300. I usually have ovarian pain but have only a tiny bit of pain. Don't have much faith.

Piglet - really happy all is going so well, fab news. Love to hear the positives. x

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Hello yellow rose- I really wish you luck for Friday and keep my fingers crossed for you.

When I was first told, I was a low responder, it was the first time I'd even heard of it, so was totally devasted. However we cancelled our first cycle and continued on second.

So my first cycle was short protocol, which was cetrocide, gonal f 300. Unfortunately I had a dominant follicle, and no other activity.

They decided to give me another try, and this time I'm on buserilin long protocol ( I started on the 15th Oct!) and have been stimming for 14 days now. Last Wednesday ( my first scan showed again only x1 dominant follicle ) wasn't looking good, but they kept me going until Monday, when x2 more follies have appeared albeit they're tiny, but they're there! My oestrogen levels have also improved ( when they're low it means there's unlikely to be an egg, I only learnt this on Monday!). If I can only manage x3 follies, I will push for treatment- as I doubt they'll offer me another protocol ( I'm on 450 menopur stims). So I have to push and hope that my clinic will proceed ( I don't think they're ruthless enough not to proceed as I'm bad stat, at least I hope they're not- as it's my understanding that if they cancel my cycle, I won't go into their stats as failed because the actual IVF procedure wasn't completed, therefore cancelled IVFs improve their success rates! And then ruthless clinics refuse to treat low AMH due to us affecting they're stats and hide behind the low responder cloak, so we wouldn't proceed, when we all know they should proceed as even though there's low hope, it's not no hope!- and we've been through enough not even to have the opportunity to fail, because of their stats, and if I'm faced with that tomorrow I'll tell them ( and advisd you to do the same) woah..., that's my pent up rant over! Hope it makes sense as I can't correct a few typos without deleting it all. Back to stims, I read loads on internet, but it's all conflicting, and apparently it's as simple as one person respinds to one, but another to another. Huge congrats for your healthy organic lifestyle, super commendable! I did organic til mid September, but fell off toward the end, however think its a good thing. Will let you know how we go tomorrow- and good luck for Friday - try not to overanalyse, there's little we can control with regards to outcome, we can only do our best. Lots of peace and pots of luck and love XXXX

in reply to

Oh hopefuljo you poor poor thing. A cancelled cycle does not affect the clinics ratings and nor should it affect your goes. A full cycle is once you have egg collection procedure done. so until you get to that point it does not go down as any cycle and I have been told that by my clinic. I had to have three abandoned cycles, one because after three fails they decided to up my merional to 450 to get better quality eggs. Which worked but then ended up with 22 follicles but were all two small. That was a awful period. Then both on frozen cycles as one my lining was to thick and another to thin. So who knows how we will react until we start treatment. So don't give up push for them to carry on as it's about learning what and How your body copes with all this. I really hope you get the decision you want and deserve. Will be thinking of you. Lots of love. ️Xxx

Yellowrose. Thank you for your lovely comment. I really hope your scan shows good things on Friday. And you do have some there. Hang in there. Will be thinking of you. Lots of love. Xx

in reply to

Oh hopefuljo you poor poor thing. A cancelled cycle does not affect the clinics ratings and nor should it affect your goes. A full cycle is once you have egg collection procedure done. so until you get to that point it does not go down as any cycle and I have been told that by my clinic. I had to have three abandoned cycles, one because after three fails they decided to up my merional to 450 to get better quality eggs. Which worked but then ended up with 22 follicles but were all two small. That was a awful period. Then both on frozen cycles as one my lining was to thick and another to thin. So who knows how we will react until we start treatment. So don't give up push for them to carry on as it's about learning what and How your body copes with all this. I really hope you get the decision you want and deserve. Will be thinking of you. Lots of love. ️Xxx

Yellowrose. Thank you for your lovely comment. I really hope your scan shows good things on Friday. And you do have some there. Hang in there. Will be thinking of you. Lots of love. Xx

Thank you so much piglet12. You advice is so important. I will push, because they told me that if I don't respond, they'll be unlikely to treat me. And I thought to myself, as it's classed as a cancel, I'm not included in there figures, so thank you for sharing, and I'm sorry for all your anguish, but so pleased the fight you've endured is so so positive right now. Will let you know how I go. Lots of love XXXXXX

in reply to

No need to be sorry as none of that matters now. And I'm much stronger for it. And my word when we got that positive it meant the world. And all that pain and struggle has been worth it. I'm so glad I never gave up our dream of a baby. Thank you for your kind words. And I really really hope they continue to help you. Please do Let me know how you get on. ️Xxxx

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Hi hopefuljo - how did you get on today? x And thanks for all the advice, really really good advice and I will now be better prepared to push for the continuation of the cycle thanks to you. I've been constantly worrying that they will just cancel the cycle but I will try to fight against that.

You have been cycling for longer than me, I started on 19th. I really really hope all goes well today.

I'm considering registering with another clinic in London that has a reputation for high success rates and has been in the news years ago for over stimming - but I think I will need that. They also monitor far more closely which sounds good to me. And apparently they treat more difficult cases.

Take care and you too piglet12 - and thanks for your sweet message. I will let you know how I get on on Friday!

piglet I cannot believe the long journey you have been on - incredible - you so deserve this success so enjoy every moment of it. How did you keep going?

ps - anyone feel more tired than usual since starting IVF? I am so tired, think it may be the downregs.

in reply to

Hi yellow rose. Please do let me know how you get on. Thank you. I am enjoying it now. I kept going because we really wanted a baby and nothing was going stop us from achieving it. But importantly each time it did fail I took time for just me and hubby to recharge And prepare again. it was tough at times. But I was also very lucky to have a good supprt network. I really do wish you all the best this. ️Xxx

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Ps. Yes I did feel more tired since I did Ivf as it is draining process. So it is important to sleep as much as you need to. Xx

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Hey there Piglet - oh good, not just me who is exhausted. Thing is, I don't even work now (but thats due to the endometriosis, surgeries and ongoing pain), but I feel really lazy. Have done nothing today, have achy arms from carrying shopping bags yesterday (decided to walk to do the food shopping and it took over an hour) and just cant snap out of it today. Well, Im in good company because the cat is asleep next to me.

You give me hope, your determination is paying off which is brilliant. You so deserve this. xx

in reply to

No it's not just you hun. It's ok to be lazy. And it's on that your doing nothing at this time. Especially after everything you have and are going through. I had to take time of work as I struggled with travelling to and from clinic and working and doing all the housework. So don't feel bad. Take the time to have nothing days. Xx

in reply to

Hello- good news, I've only gone a got myself x5 follies! They're small, but they think if I keep stimming, I'll be heading for EC as soon as Monday ( I willve stimmed for 18days/19days and down reg for over a month. I'm now 39, although started my investigations when I was 35, but have had to move house x2. As for exhaustion, yes I find it difficult to open my eyes every morning. More so than pre meds. I'm back Friday, but going to try to mentally relax now until Monday, as I'm heading in the right direction XXXX We're chuffed, it's a good day! X

in reply to

Yay. I'm so pleased you have some follies. Now behave little follies. :) so so chuffed for you. Really am. have you had egg collection before? Good luck for Monday. It will all be ok. ️Xxx

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Thanks honey- never got to EC before- any advice welcomed!!! :-)

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All I can say it's not as scary as you think. And I had never been put completely to sleep before and so was petrified. But they knock you out completely. Only Takes about 10-12 mins to do. The rest of the time they take your weight and ask about any health issues etc. then discuss what happens. Then you are put back where you were to recover. You will have to stay there for a while. You might be a bit uncomfortable afterwards. But that's understandable. Also make sure have the day after off from work. Hope this helps. Xx

in reply to

Oh hopefuljo I am so relieved to read this, I was getting worried last night for you.

Wow to stimming for 18/19 days - have a strong feeling i will have to do the same, well, i hope i get the chance.

I'm 39 too, been trying properly over 6 years, and my investigations, and pain diagnosed as stage 4 endo at 36. Lets hope this happens for us.

Enjoy your day, it is indeed a good one and enjoy it.

PS - this is way tmi but I noticed a week or two into down reg that my boobs have become so soft and lost all their plumpness - I guess because oestrogen plateaud but I thought by now it would have kicked back in and thought boobies would go back to normal. Any one else had this. I am just so anxious that the down reg has switched me off and made me menopausal.

Anyway, enjoy your day, fab news, really happy - 5 is bloody good, it really is xx

in reply to

Thanks Piglet, I'm not too worried about it. Just pleased to be heading towards it! I've booked Monday & Tues off too. Did you book time off following ET too? I thought I'd take a few days and do nothing!

Hello yellow rose, I too thought the down reg had put me into menopause....because my AF didn't arrive for about 21 days- hence this protocol lasting so long....everything's just a bit slower!!! Totally keeping everything crossed for you honey - you've gone through enough already XXXXX

in reply to

That's good that your not worried. I did this time after et as we really did not want to risk it. But other times I did not. Xx

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