*sensitive post* pregnant again? - Fertility Network UK

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*sensitive post* pregnant again?

Scheepy18 profile image
17 Replies

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Hi guys, I really hope this doesn’t upset anyone.

as you know I’ve been struggling with PCOS and subclinical hypothyroidism... I haven’t been ovulating and my last period was Feb. I fell pregnant in Aug but sadly miscarried very early on... I’ve since taken another test this morning as my breasts have been sore again and I think I’ve got a second little line.... I’m desperately trying not to get excited as I’m expecting the same to happen again.

Anyone fallen pregnant under similar circumstances and had a successful pregnancy? Any advice? Happy to listen to anyone as I feel like I’m in limbo 😢 xx

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Scheepy18 profile image
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17 Replies
Cinderella5 profile image

No advice but definitely see a second line! Wishing you all the best that this is your time!xx

Scheepy18 profile image
Scheepy18 in reply to Cinderella5

Thanks Hun xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Scheepy18

The only other thing I would say is to maybe see the GP and ask them to test your thyroid levels. I got told the ideal for conception was under 2. I was subclinical last year which sent my prolactin through the roof.xx

Scheepy18 profile image
Scheepy18 in reply to Cinderella5

Yeah I’m going for blood tests this week, my TSH is 6.9 which is high but the doctor said this shouldn’t effect pregnancy but does make it harder to conceive. But if I have conceived, I think it might just be a case of monitoring it. Thanks though, it’s definitely something on my radar 🙂👍🏻 xx

Congratulations 💓

Not similar circumstances ( I have had to have numerous surgeries to treat my endometriosis) but I did suffer a chemical pregnancy last year. I’m currently 6+2 so far it’s going well 🤞🏻

It is nerve wrecking being pregnant after a loss. I would have a chat with your GP/Clinic & they can monitor you closely & adjust medication accordingly.

Just because the other pregnancy didn’t work out doesn’t mean this one won’t.

Wishing you the best with your pregnancy 😘

genten profile image

I can see the 2nd line! Congratulations.

I don't have any advice as I've not been in a similar position so I don't have any advice. xxx

Melissa11 profile image

Wow congratulations I definitely see a line. Fingers x for you 💕

misswinky34 profile image


You need an increase in thyroid meds as soon as you know your pregnant. By 25-50 mcg depending on your current dose. Your TSH is high. I’m not trying to be dramatic at all, it’s fantastic your pregnant 👏🏻👏🏻but your levels need a really close eye on. I’m sub clinical hypothyroid and I had 6 years of infertility and early loss. When I found out I was pregnant with Charlie (eventually) I had an immediate increase in meds as recommended by the NICE guidelines. It’s standard. A baby doesn’t develop its own thyroid until after the first trimester. Your body needs to have enough for you both. Have you had your t4 or antibodies tested?

I would be having a little chat with the gp, because it’s not something that needs an occasional blood test. It needs close monitoring. Like I say not trying to make you worry or anything, just honest advice from one hypothyroid to another. There’s a wealth of info on the thyroid UK forum on here. If you want to poke your head in there’s lots of people to ask 💕💕💕💕 best of luck with everything xxxx

Scheepy18 profile image
Scheepy18 in reply to misswinky34

Thanks for this, I spoke to my gp yesterday and she said because I have enough thyroid hormone in my body it won’t effect the pregnancy.... that having a high TSH ‘doesn’t really matter’ it still amazes me how this is the 3rd one I’ve spoken to and none of them have been like ‘yes you need medication ESPECIALLY because you want a baby’ I really feel like I have no support from any of the health care professionals and that they don’t know what they are on about!

I’m worried about starting thyroid medication as I’m not sure how it will make me feel... how has it effected you? Did you have any symptoms before? I don’t feel ‘unwell’ currently... just struggle with my weight a bit xxx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Scheepy18

I was just tired, dont think I realised how tired I was until I started med and also struggled with my weight. I think I would be asking to start meds too, as the others have said, I have read that there is a miscarriage risk.xx

Scheepy18 profile image
Scheepy18 in reply to Cinderella5

I had a miscarriage in Aug and I asked if my thyroid would have contributed but I was just told ‘miscarriages happen, they are unfortunate- but it’s not because of your thyroid’ thanks for everyone’s advice, I think I’m going to put my food down now and get some medication. Xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to Scheepy18

I would so that too, it could well be just a coincidence but best safe then sorry! I was sitting at 4.69 is I remember correctly and got put on 50mcg. Took around 3 months for my levels to settle under 2. This was my clinic's recommendation however the GP said he wouldnt normally treat at that level but he would as for conception he knows it need to be lower and said that if I got pregnant he would probably refer me onto an endocrinologist to be managed! Good luck!xx

Foodie23 profile image

Congratulations on your pregnancy! I also don't want to worry you, but I don't think your GP has given you good advice. You really should speak to an endocrinologist, who specializes in thyroid disorders. As you're now pregnant, I would insist on it. Your GP should have one on staff.

I'm starting IVF at the end of this month and my level last month was 3.1. My GP was completely useless. After they said all was well and they wouldn't treat me, I went to a private endocrinologist. The endocrinologist said I definitely needed medication to bring my levels below 2 for pregnancy. Higher levels do put you at increased risk of miscarriage. For my levels, the amount of risk isn't high, but I wasn't willing to accept any amount of increased risk if it could be avoided. Also, pregnancy puts additional strain on your thyroid and can cause levels to rise even further. Again, I don't mean to alarm you, I just hope what I've shared can be helpful to you.

I'm on a small dose of thyroid medication, only 25mcg. To be honest, I don't feel any different. My doctor said I could get an increase in energy, but I haven't found that to be the case so far. After two weeks of medication, I got my levels tested to see how I'm responding. On Fri I'll get the results and meet with my endocrinologist again.

I wish you the best of luck! X

Scheepy18 profile image
Scheepy18 in reply to Foodie23

Thank you so much for this. I have booked blood tests and will be starting treatment ASAP xx

misswinky34 profile image

I also had a mc at 8 weeks. MAYBE Not linking it to thyroid, nevertheless it happened. They started me on thyroid treatment when my tsh was 3.5. But that was a fertility consultant who immediately referred me to a endocrinologist. I got pregnant soon after, and straight away got an increase. The fact yours is as high as it is, worries me that the gp isn’t starting the meds as a non pregnant woman.. you are therefore I would be pressing to start on 25-50. I had two change gps because they don’t have a clue about thyroid issues. Only an endo does. I was 50 mcg when I got pregnant and had two increases to keep my levels below 2.5 throughout the pregnancy.im on a static dose now of 150 I didn’t feel ‘ill’ when I started, but I did get and stay pregnant once in the meds. I imagine with your tsh at that level, you will be symptomatic even if only subtly. Main things for me were I was knackered, quite a lot. Which you can confuse with pregnancy symptoms. Sluggish bowels, and palpitations. All that stopped, when I started the Levo, and this year I’ve lost five stone. In hindsight, I think I’ve been hypothyroid for years, and I’ve always been overweight for years. It’s very clear about the guidelines for pregnancy, your GP needs to read it, and refer to an endo. Lots of love 💕 xx

Scheepy18 profile image

Thanks to everyone for their advice, I have been referred to an endocrinologist pending the results of my bloody test. Hopefully this will now be managed properly and this will be a successful pregnancy 🤞🏻 xx

romaluna2015 profile image


I have subclincal thyroid . And didn’t ovulate was put on clomid and then fell pregnant lost my pregnancy in August fell pregnant again December lost again in the January. Fell pregnant again in June . And went on to have twins. It is possible all the best xx

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