So I'm due to test tomorrow and starting to get the usual nerves because it's nice still thinking there's a slim chance I am actually pregnant.
I stupidly caved and did an early test on 6dp5dt which was negative and felt so gutted. Weirdly after that I felt more relaxed because I'd almost accepted it hadn't worked! I was due on my period on Friday last week and it hasn't come although I have been quite crampy. Don't know whether this is a good thing or bad thing because every fresh cycle I've had, my period has come before OTD, and the only other frozen transfer I've had was a BFP but then miscarried.
Keep swaying back and forth whether I'm pregnant or not. Have had cramping, bloating, wind(!), sore back etc but weirdly no sore boobs this time which is unusual. Not sure if the oestrogen tablets and Crinone pessaries are just keeping my period at bay.
Anyone else due to test tomorrow too?