My 17 month of waiting list nearly up , when do they contact a few weeks before ?? And when will treatment start getting scared now
??? Ivf help : My 17 month of waiting... - Fertility Network UK
??? Ivf help

Hi Melaineh. Hopefully, you should hear from the hospital/clinic within a few weeks. You could always try phoning to see how much longer you do have to wait. Starting treatment will all depend upon all your investigations being completed. Once they are done, a treatment plan will be decided, and then I suspect that you will start with your next menstrual cycle after that. All the best, and try not to worry too much, you will be looked after. Diane
Hi wow that's a long way I guess you've gone Private? Well I only received my letter and one day last week me and my partner will be going on 6 May which is next Tuesday. We really nervous we don't know what to expect. We're actually going on the NHS because we get one free shocked I just hope this is my lifeline I really need this been through hell and back last year we been trying for nearly 4 years it's been nothing but a heartache. I really hope everything goes well for you. I wish you all the luck in the world. I'm sure it's pretty much the same procedure whether it's private or NHS except yours may be a little bit quicker now you've actually got your foot in the door and you might get treated better. Will keep in touch and Share both our journeys hopefully we both come out on the other side smiling with any luck. Much love to you and your family take care always be positive always.
I am nhs also my wait was 17months then changed down to 12 but it's been taken from first seen so when a called to check says be around June time , so just waiting , good luck too u also yes it's very scary hopefully we will have a bit of luck , were are u being seen Glasgow too ?? Xx
Hi Melaineh, I am on the Nhs waiting list for the Glasgow royal as well. Since early February this year and the Dr said it could be around an 18 months wait. So if they managed to get it down to 12 months then that is fantastic I am turning 30 in February next year. Would be great to go for our Ivf cycle then
good luck to you xx

Yeh a called last month n they told me that u should phone and see what they say
Okay, thats,great I will call them by the end of this year as its only been 3 months since I got the letter. But its great that it looks like its not going to be a 18-22 months wait as everyone says actually my gp also said that its more like 12 months as its from first seen! Good luck to us all x

Hi Melaineh. Just to add to the others. When you mentioned that you had put on a little weight, do try and work to get this off, as it just might go against you. It would be such a shame after waiting so long to be made to wait any longer. I am sure you are doing everything you can to lose those few pounds, and I wish you well with it. All the best for your next appointment. Diane

Good girl! Diane
Hi Melanieh I am sure we had our apps at glasgow on the same day in November u should hopefully get your letter soon I got around 6wks notice when I reached top of list then it's taken around 2months to start treatment I start 22nd of May so hopefully u won't be too far behind x
Yeh that's right , how u finding it all that's great lot long till u start then yeh well hopefully a will hear soon xx
Yeah I am finding it all abit overwhelming tbh it's all happened so fast I was tOld in November I had another 17months to wait so we thought April 2015 we would start to find in feb we got our letter to say we were top of list and we start treatment in a couple weeks I am still getting me head around it all but I am excited too just the nerves just now as to what if it don't work then what?! I would give them a ring and find out where you are on the list cause you must be near the top xx
Yeah I would give them a phone. Tbh I don't really know what's happening i had both protocols explained but no drugs were mentioned as I was to see the genetics so after that app I forgot about protocols so was told over phone I am number 7 whatever That means and I was to get prostap on the 22nd and a scan on 9th June so I guess on the 9th I will find out then :/ xx
I can't imagine getting a referral and then being told to wait 17 months... Why so long?? My referral went in in January, our referral was accepted straight away and our first appointment at IVF clinic was march. Our treatment began 2 weeks ago... We're in Norfolk.
I hope you get through your waiting time ok... Stay healthy and happy and keep doing those things you really enjoy. X
That's brilliant news our first app we got bloods done I got swabs also got checked for smoking and weight n bmi check then handed forms n that was us xx