Hi there, this is my first post on this network (I am also on the endometriosis UK network). I was wondering if anybody has been given provera to bring on a period and how long it took to start bleeding? Long story short, my husband and I have been ttc for about a year and as a result of my endometriosis we were given an appointment at the fertility clinic after 6 months of trying.
After numerous tests it turns out that I am not ovulating. My periods are also extremely irregular after a course of prostap injections over a year ago. (My last one was over ten weeks ago) so as a result of this, the doctor gave me a five day course of Provera to bring on a bleed and then clomid to start taking on day two. I finished the Provera 10 days ago and have had no sign of a bleed yet. Has anybody else been through this type of treatment and if so what was your experience? How long should I wait for a period to arrive? Any help would be appreciated.