I was looking at options for stretch mark prevention products and got a bit confused. Read that bio oil is still debatable if safe during pregnancy although widely used. So was wondering what others were using and can recommend? Thank you x
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Stretch mark prevention products in pregnancy

hello, I used Mothers Balm from Neil’s Yard. It was recommended to me. I don’t know that you can truly prevent stretch marks tbh but i think this helped me x
I use Mother's Balm as well. It goes on nicely, it does leave a bit of a residue on my skin but it hasn't made any of my clothes greasy. I'm only 26 weeks and have been using it for about 6 weeks and so far I don't have any stetch marks... not sure if that's just because bump isn't big enough yet! I'd recommend Mother's Balm x
like someone else has said, they can’t really be prevented as it’s genetic. For my first I used bio oil but did get stretch marks. For my second, I was much bigger and used Neals Yard mama massage oil but didn’t get any new stretch marks x
Myexpertmidwife do Fantastic Skin Elastic, which is brilliant. Limited ingredients and no synthetic fragrance so good for highly sensitive skin. I have used it for both pregnancies and no stretch marks so far (32w with no.2). I do have some small SM from being slightly heavier when I was younger so definitely prone to them, so I think the oil has really helped xx
Is it this one pls?: myexpertmidwife.com/product...
I used mothers balm and bio and thought they were working and I’d gotten away with not getting any, until I was around 33 weeks and they were all of a sudden there! but my bump was humongous towards the end!! x x