Morning all, finally my turn to share that after an angst-filled pregnancy my healthy little boy was born at 38+4 by ECS on 30/06/23 🥰🎉☺️
We overcame vanishing twin syndrome, a high risk pregnancy due to advanced maternal age, the risks of a pregnancy post bariatric surgery, low lying placenta resulting in a ECS, suspected placenta accreta, and of course IVF, to bring our little one home safe and well.
He’s small for his gestation with no known reason as to why, but he’s doing well and we are working on him gaining weight, no NICU time required or jaundice thankfully. Breastfeeding is difficult and possibly won’t work out for us, but we’re taking it one day at a time.
I wanted to say thank you to all those who have walked alongside us in this journey - on here and the IVF board - this process would have been unbearable without your support and wisdom.
We will be forever grateful x