Hello lovely people.
I am so, so thankful for my pregnancy but I'm having one of those days...
Im just feeling exhausted, my PGP has flared up so I can hardly walk and now feeling abit anxious as midwife called to say iron levels low so they're prescribing me iron supplements which I can't get until Monday.
I think I've just kept going, thinking positively after IVF, 2 miscarriages, immune treatment, then sub chloronic Heamatona and Placenta Previa (both of which have thankfully gone) Pelvic Girdle Pain, rib flare... But now I feel it just seems to never end!
Usually I'm a get on with it person but had a little cry tonight.
I know what we're all doing is amazing and it's bloody hard being pregnant for some. I guess I just needed to vent and see if anyone has any amazing advice / is feeling the same?