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Low lying placenta

ZiggyandBC profile image
20 Replies

Hi everyone,

After our 20 week scan we saw that my placenta was low so we just had another scan at 26 weeks and it’s still low lying. I’m now freaking out and really worried. Has anyone else had this and can reassure me before I go down a dr Google rabbit hole 😅

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ZiggyandBC profile image
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20 Replies
JA-fnuk profile image

Try not to go down the rabbit hole ! Speak to your midwife/dr - if still low you should be offered another scan later on [ 32 wks] For 9 in every 10 women , the placenta will have moved into the upper part of your womb by this point

Thinking of you


I had it - but must have moved up for my delivery- it wasn't a problem for me in the end xxx

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to

Fingers crossed it’ll move for me too 🤞🏻💙

Millbanks profile image

Hey lovely, I had this and it was no problem at all.

It also moved by delivery date (although it didn’t matter as I had a c-section)


ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to Millbanks

Thank you lovely, hoping mine moves too! Xx

Hey, we were told we had this at our 20 week scan as well, the difference being that mine was completely covering my cervix and they told me then and there that they didn't expect it to move up. They said in 90% of cases it will, but the way mine was lying they didn't expect it to.

I think given you weren't told that, there should be a good chance that yours will move.

As long as they know about it, you should generally be ok so don't panic too much for the moment. It does often mean a c-section and some extra precautions which some people obviously have to get their head round. Mine is a bit more complicated but I just have to keep reminding myself a) they know about it so thats good and b) its up to them to sort it all out so we can't do anything at all to influence. Sending you a huge hug and I have money on it moving by your next scan! xx

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to

Thank you for your reply Daisy, sorry to hear you’re having similar issues. I’m being sent for an MRI which is really scary but I’m glad they’re doing something. I do hope it moves but also trying to prepare myself in case it doesn’t. Sending lots of love to you xx

in reply to ZiggyandBC

Good luck lovely, I think thats my next step too. They want to check its not stuck somewhere - which is a really rare thing and I am sure it isn't. Lots of love back - keep us updated xx

XOXO13 profile image

Hey, I had grade 4 placenta previa (totally covering my cervix) and so it never moved. I was told to refrain from straining too much, sex and basically take things slow. I was lucky, I actually only had one bleed at 33 weeks and my blood thinning medication was stopped and I was told to slow things down further (basically, bed rest with light walking). I had twins so always was likely I’d have a c-section but the placenta previa meant I had to have a c-section anyway. It wasn’t really a problem for me, I was taking things slow anyway and the no sex thing wasn’t a problem during pregnancy (poor hubby 🤣)!

You’ll be kept an eye on so try not to worry. Any bleeding, you’ll be monitored for 24 hours. Always let them know immediately if you do have any. And also, don’t be alarmed if you do either as it can be common with placenta previa. Don’t Google, it’s not worth your stress and put your trusts in your doctors 🤍 you’ll be okay! Xxx

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to XOXO13

thank you so much! It’s really reassuring to hear it all went okay. We have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow as they want to do an MRI which is freaking me out but I’m going to try and ask as many questions as I can so I don’t feel the urge to use dr Google! Xx

Savvy_teapot profile image
Savvy_teapot in reply to ZiggyandBC

Are you worried about the MRI? This is what I used to do for a job so please do ask any questions if you want to PM me. I have a low lying placenta too but not another scan until 32 weeks

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to Savvy_teapot

Thank you, I’m just panicking about why they want me to have an MRI when I’ve read that usually you just have another ultrasound further along, it’s making me worried that something else is wrong! Xx

in reply to ZiggyandBC

Hey Ziggy, when its low lying and not moving they often do an MRI to check that the placenta hasn't grown into the lining of the uterus. This is most common after gynae surgery or previous C sections.. basically the placenta can attach to scar tissue and sort of bury into the lining. It is important for them to know this because it means a) you would need a c-section and b) it means the placenta won't necessarily just come away easily from the womb but instead would need to be removed carefully to prevent blood loss. Its a really rare condition (and its the one they think I might have) so I am sure you are unlikely to have it, but its worth them checking now as it would then mean they would monitor you more closely (4 weekly scans) to check the baby is still growing fine and there isn't a risk of excessive bleeding. Like I say it's really rare so very unlikely unless you have had loads of surgery (like I have!) Good luck xx

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to

Thank you Daisy, I’ve just checked and I’m under the high risk pathway for the condition you mentioned which is freaking me out a bit but I think it’s because I’ve had a laparoscopy before we had IVF xx

in reply to ZiggyandBC

If you are happy to let's keep in touch, sounds like we are both in the same position. My next scan is 3rd Jan as I am a few weeks behind you but if I find out any more info I will share with you xx

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to

I’ll pm you xx

Leebee03 profile image

hey, just to offer some reassurance that things can change at any time. Even at a 35 week scan my placenta was low lying and moved by 37 weeks. We were prepared for c-section and then were surprised to suddenly have options. I never had any bleeding throughout and was well monitored, so you are in safe hands. I think you just need to try and be confident that the drs will guide you on what is the safest option for both you and your little bubba and, as difficult as it is, just try to go with the flow. Wishing you all the best xx

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to Leebee03

Thank you! It does seem to have moved from my 20 week scan so I’m hoping it carries on moving out of the way 🤞🏻

Emma672 profile image

Hi Ziggy. My placenta was also low until the 30 something’th week when it had moved out of the way. There’s plenty of time for yours too so try not to worry (famous last words I know!). It might make you feel better to prepare a ‘what if’ c-section plan so you feel a little more in control should it come to that - but I gather that most move upwards and out of the way anyway, and they’ll give it right until the last minute before considering a section so you’ve plenty of time. Fingers crossed for you x

ZiggyandBC profile image
ZiggyandBC in reply to Emma672

Thank you! It seems to be on the move up but now I’m worried about accreta as it’s an increased risk so I’m being sent for an MRI which is really scary! X

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