did anyone had a slow growing baby and everything was ok ? I am a FET , had my transfer on 20 of May , on 29 started a brown discharge, on and off with red blood sometime, had a scan on 6 weeks 2 days , baby was measuring on spit with a heartbeat, been diagnosed with hematoma , I did bleed for more than 4 weeks, on 7 weeks had another scan but here is starting when the baby is measuring 2 days smaller, the bleed stopped eventually and had another scan at 9 weeks where the baby is 5 days behind ( still a heartbeat) . Now I am supposed to be 10 weeks and stop the meds by after my scan I am just 9 weeks 2 days . I am confused if I should stop the meds because I am supposed to be 10 weeks or wait another 5 days ? My next scan is at 12 weeks ( my next scan was counted in 3 weeks time instead of 2 )
Baby growing slowly : did anyone had a... - Fertility Network...
Baby growing slowly

If in doubt I would carry on with the meds, they won’t do any harm but may do some good and then there are no what ifs for you xxxx

Hi Marianna. I can't see using them for an extra week being a problem, but do check with your midwife/GP. Hope all continues as it should. Diane
Hey hun, I got a bit obsessed with growing rates and CRL measurements etc as we also had multiple scans in the first trimester. Mine always seems at least 4-5 days behind from what I actually was (FET as well). But when it is so small the tiniest measure change will easily add 1-3 days or viceversa.
It never seemed to make any difference regarding my meds though but then they did have me reduce my estrogen patches and tablets from 8-9 weeks up to 12 weeks and I didn’t stop progesteron till 12 weeks… so if not sure definitely ask your clinic or midwife. Lots of women with FET take it till 10-12 weeks so if it helps you to continue a bit longer, I don’t think that matters… good luck with the wait for the 12 week scan!
Also even though always measuring slightly behind they always kept my due date based on my IVF dates, not the scans!
I am 12 weeks and just had a scan after a scary massive bleeding with lots of clots. I am abroad and the ultrasound machine was apparently not the greatest but baby was measuring only 11+2 (I was 11+6 on that day)
I have had bleeding at 7 weeks and 8 weeks and some spotting in between. I’ve had tons of reassurance scans and baby is always fine with strong heartbeat and moving around. But baby’s measurements has been from 1-4 days behind. Catching up and then measuring behind again. The doctors have never been worried, as long as baby is growing and they say it’s so hard to get right measurements when it’s still so small and baby’s position can affect measurements.
Both bleedings and measuring behind is def stressing! But I try not to focus so much on the measurements, it’s very hard to find any info about it early in pregnancy!
Hope your bleeding resolves! Is your hemeatoma big? They don’t know why I am bleeding but I am guessing it’s a hematoma as well. So so stressful!
All the best 💫
Today our baby was measuring two days ahead at 12+4 👍They spotted a small hematoma.
How is it going with you?