Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone has been through something similar. I have recently been through a missed miscarriage after conceiving through IVF. I found out at 7w4 days baby had no heartbeat. A week later things were still the same. Based on the options and what I felt was right for me I had the op 9days ago. I had been taking progesterone till the night before to hold back anything starting. Pain wise after I was fine then 5 days after during the night I got really intense cramps. Thankfully ibuprofen,paracetamol and a hot water bottle calmed it down. I felt like a bruised feeling after but it disappeared until last night which was day 8 and the pain was really sharp. I do have endo and I am wondering if that’s flared up with everything. Also my stomach gets really hard and sore as if it’s bloated and the pain is wind. My stomach just feels stretched and bruised. I do have the EPU number which I’ll probably try but wanted to see if anyone had similar as I wasn’t expecting pain etc so many days after when they said the cramping would be a couple of days xxx
miscarriage pain-advice needed - Fertility, Miscar...
miscarriage pain-advice needed
Hello lovely . I am so sorry to hear of your loss. It is so painful and just want you to know your not alone . I am going through the same right now and had a missed miscarriage found at a 12 weeks scan and we had lost the baby’s heart beat at 10 weeks. It was our third round of IVF and last normal embryo.
I had the D&C last Monday so a week ago. I too had really bad cramps on day 5 during the night. I passed more clots that night and bleeding got heavier again. I’m now getting waves of pain sometimes sharp coming and going in womb and bum. I think this is when I’m needing a number 2 though and as I have a retroverted uterus it all seems to be pushing in one another.
I had a missed miscarriage 20 months ago also and did medical management at home as I was 7 weeks. I remember the pain felt like this on and off for 2 weeks and similar then I passed more tissue a week after the initial loss.
As you say the endo may be contributing too but I think we vary in how our bodies respond. A friend who had a D&C was fully recovered in 2 days. I know mine will take at least 2 weeks.
Take care and sending you a big hug xx
Hi lovely, thanks so much for your reply. I am sorry to read about your MCs. I think part of me is still in shock and trying to process it, I am in a better place than when I first found out. Like you said it’s such a painful thing to process.
I think I will be similar to you in that it will take at least the 2 weeks for my body to calm down after everything. I had quite sharp pains this morning so took ibuprofen and windeeze just incase it is trapped wind along with everything else too.
I really hope your pain eases soon and thanks again for your reply I really appreciate it.
Here if you ever need a chat xxx