Hi there, I very sadly had a miscarriage in September after being told at the viability scan that my baby had no heartbeat and had stopped developing around 6.5wks. It was from a frozen embryo transfer so I was told to stop all my medication which brought on the very painful miscarriage several days later. After this, and at the next scan I was told the miscarriage was incomplete and I was still getting bold positive pregnancy tests for ages afterwards. I am still today waiting for a period and for it to complete. Has anyone else waited more than 2.5 months for this to happen?
I didn’t want to opt for surgery as I’m too worried about scar tissue forming and it causing more fertility issues. I still don’t have my rainbow baby so I didn’t want to do anything that could jeopardise a future pregnancy.
I’m getting very fed up with it now. I have had a day of spotting two weeks ago and still nothing. Pregnancy tests are. Now negative since 1.5 weeks ago.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar?
Thankyou 🙏🏼