I am confused by this. I have stage 3-4 fibrosis. I know stage 4 is cirrhosis. Is there then stages of cirrhosis? also is 14kpa on Fibroscan cirrhosis? mine is 12.8. So can I reverse that?
stages of fibrosis and cirrhosis - Living with Fatty...
stages of fibrosis and cirrhosis

Hi Liz
The docs have technical distinctions to mark stages but the lines are blurry. In reality there is no sudden jump from one stage to another, it is a continuous scale but their habit is stages. There is debate about what readings should be used for cutoffs and they are different depending on what they think caused the problem. When I was diagnosed most were saying 12 was cirrhosis. Today quite a few are using 14 so think of it as you have bridging fibrosis but it is probably not well established. I was diagnosed at 21.5. Today I'm mid 9's. With a good diet and exercise you should be able to control your weight and drop that by at least one stage if you can stop whatever has been beating up on your liver.
Thanks. My fatty liver has improved, but not scarring. Have you heard of that? and maybe scarring just takes longer. My biopsy showed portal bridging with areas of nodularity. I sure hope I can change it. Thanks
My report says Granulomatous hepatitis with moderate portal and bridging fibrosis with areas of nodularity. Then says mild to moderate steatosis. If that helps.
This is great.!! You give me hope. Based on my Fibroscan I’m F-4 Cirhossis. Can you share any diet tips? Types of food that has helped you bring down the numbers. I need to lose weight.
Hi Roxanne
Your note slipped by me. Sorry. Here is a link to our approach to food with NASH.

This is a slow motion disease. It took decades to get to bridging and it is unlikely to be able to completely reverse it but it is possible for many people to reduce it significantly if the cause is removed but it takes months to years to see the changes in fibrosis. Fat can be moved fairly quickly.
Thank you! My doctor could not even tell me that answer. I was hoping since my fatty liver was better that the fibrosis still could get better. He seemed baffled that the scarring was not also regressing. Although like I said it did go from 11 tob12.8 when fatty liver was improving so that is very confusing. I appreciate all your info.
I’m no doctor but if your number went up even as your fat came down then perhaps there is another root cause that has not stopped? Do a search on the connection between NAFLD and Glyphosate (a common ingredient sprayed on a lot of foods, even “organic” foods). My husband has cirrhosis. He has never been obese. He’s never been a diabetic. His Glyphosate tests showed a 9.6 when the average person is a 2.5. It’s is highly damaging to the liver. Perhaps something you are consuming or in your environment is exposing you to this toxin? My husband use to use this product in our yard before he knew how damaging it is. There are many lawsuits against the company because it has been proven to cause cancer, and while it has been effectively proven to damage the liver there are no suits. I hope you get it figured out. Peace and health to you.
I went from 15 to 6.4 in 7 months
Hello if you are in Houston, Texas I would like to contact you to offer you to participate in a new clinical trial we are initiating for patients diagnosed with NASH. If you have been diagnosed, you can apply to volunteer for a clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of a drug as a potential treatment for adults with NASH and liver fibrosis.
If you want to participate and receive more information, please visit: alpharesearchinst.com/nash or text us via WhatsApp:: api.whatsapp.com/send?phone...