Can someone please inform me as to whether dried fruits are acceptable if one has cirrhosis that is compensated? In particular, medjool dates so I can make a paste to use in recipes as the sweetener. All input is welcome. Thank you.
Dried Fruits and Cirrhosis: Can someone... - Living with Fatty...
Dried Fruits and Cirrhosis

Hi Jax
We see this question in a lot of forms. Fundamentally sugar is sugar regardless of the source. The question is what quantity and how fast will it hit your liver? Raw fruit is generally ok because of the fiber and much of the sugar is somewhat contained. The worst case is fruit juice where the fiber is removed. A paste is more like a juice so think about that. There is a wide range in being compensated. If you are just getting by and your liver is very vulnerable no sugar is the best strategy. If you are controlled and the inflammation has been managed some sugar is no big deal as long as you remember it is one of the things that gets us into this mess. So there is no real answer. The best strategy is to not have a sweet tooth but if used it should be as a condiment not an important ingredient. I wish there was an answer, I LOVED big gooey cinnamon roles but no more as I know only part of my liver is functional.
I’ve always heard died fruit was not good because it increase insulin . I eat fruit but it’s whole like berries, strawberries, oranges etc.
drying makes the sugar more available so it gets into the body quicker. Fresh fruit is slower but it is the same sugar. Whole fruit has other benefits so it is generally beneficial but not a get out of jail free card.
The dietician I’m working with really stresses the berries but I really like banana’s and cantaloupe. I just try now to limit fruits to just two servings a day. I’m also learning portion control I’ve never had to measure out 3/4 cups of cereal or so many ounces of nuts but I’m learning. This group has helped me more than anything and I appreciate all the feedback and help .
Thanks to everyone who responded. The info was helpful. Guess I'll pass on the dates and stick to stevia and fresh fruit.
someone in this community turned me on to a sugar substitute called monks fruit raw sugar. I used to consume a lot of raw organic honey and am instead using this product in moderation. Not sure if its an option for someone managing cirrhosis