Well, it all started way too soon. I was 27 with a Case of Stage 4 Cirrhosis- Advanced Parenchymal Disease. The Etiology never was established. They called it Truly Cryptogenic. They did a Biopsy as the very First test. Then we spent 4 years of investigating to find cause and all the while I was healing my liver. I now have a normal Liver UltraSound. My FibroScan and FibroSure show F0 and A0 - no fibrosis and no inflammation. So, Is Cirrhosis reversible, Yes. I now have no Clinical Apparent signs or symptoms of liver disease and am still planning on living like I have the Stage 4 Advanced Cirrhosis, End-Stage Liver Disease, when Actually, the only thing I may still have, or have now is a case of possible "Mild Steatosis."
I survived the Unimaginable, therefor... - Living with Fatty...
I survived the Unimaginable, therefore, I can do the Impossible

That should be an encouraging testimony for a lot of patients even though the docs don't know why you were ill in the first place.
Congratulations. About 9 years ago I battled extreme fatigue, and many other symptoms of cirrhosis. A couple of years later my gallbladder nearly ruptured and infected my abdominal cavity. I was hospitalized for three weeks due to constipation and infection from gallbladder surgery. The surgeon said I had a fatty liver and signs of scarring. I followed up with Dr.'s I was referred to and all my Liver Profile test and an MRI (functional-ablation I think it was called), and an Ultrasound didn't reflect cirrhosis or cirrhosis physiological impaired function. Follow up labs continued to reflect all negative results with no visible physical signs of cirrhosis. A couple of years later, after complaining of fatigue and pain in my liver area, which previously had been attributed to Gerd, Diverticulosis/itis, I was referred to a liver specialist. Puzzled with all labs, scans, being negative he did a biopsy. The etiology was Immune Deficiency Hepatitis and NASH, the diagnosis Cirrhosis stage 6 of 6. A Fibroscan median score of 75, the maximum Fibroscan score confirmed the biopsy.
My Liver Profile test, bilirubin, INR and all other labs pertaining to a diseased liver remained normal for over 3 years after the cirrhosis diagnosis. LPFT just recently was found to be slightly elevated. Additionally, two years ago my Fibroscan Score dropped to 14.75, and last year it dropped again to 11.5. My Hepatologist stated two months ago, "Other than the obvious weight loss and muscle tone what have you been doing? Whatever it is keep on doing it." I told him, one of his prior colleagues advised against all supplements I was taking, so I stopped and felt worse. I was then advised if they make you feel better to take them. NOTE; this was before my second Fibroscan results showing unprecedented improvement according to my clinic's experience.
Yet, I still battle from extreme fatigue, pain in the liver area, and just recently edema in my legs. My PCP said it was caused by veins similar to varicose veins caused by my liver disease and portal hypertension, (I have normal to low BP; BP at office visit was 99-60, heart rate 70's) which I have never been diagnosed with P-HT. Recently, my left-hand palm was jaundiced and it reoccurs on occasion. I've been told not to worry, I'm at Stage 1 from Stage 6 and my Liver Profile test (AST-ALT, only) are just slightly elevated.
I did develop Encephalopathy while hospitalized for over 3 weeks after the gallbladder surgery due to acute constipation for an extended time frame. My mom, a non-drinker, no severe liver disease (had fatty liver deposits with an absence of scarring) she developed severe constipation while in a skilled nursing facility and ultimately developed encephalopathy which was the Diagnosis for her referral to Hospice care. She passed several days later, a month after I had my biopsy.
I'm so happy for your results. I just joined this forum and your post is the third topic I read. Have you shared what protocols, lifestyle changes, medications, supplements and or any other factors that contributed to your encouraging results?
I appreciate any feed back.
Thank you.
No the docs don't. But they know I was ill with stage 4 advanced cirrhosis
Hello I have stage 4 cirrhosis they to me it would never heal ...what are u doing to heal yourself ....blessing allison
What have you done to get such great results i was told it could never reverse ..
blessings allison
Did you follow the eating recommendations that nash2 has suggested? If not, what did you do to have such great results?
Hi, How did you achieve the reversal ( what meal plan did you follow)