Hi it appears I have a portal reading of 4mm HG and have NASH cirrhosis is this bad ?
Pressure : Hi it appears I have a... - Living with Fatty...

Anything under 6mm HG is consider normal assuming you had the conventional tests that is good news.

That isn't to suggest that cirrhosis isn't a very serious diagnosis so don't think of that as a get out of jail free card. It basically suggests that you are in the early stages and that is good as you have an opportunity to make the changes you need to in order to manage the disease.
Thank you for reply. I’m sure I’m trouble with my liver and am trying to see some light as I’m getting in a bad place in my head and stomach churning. I am thinking I’ve had it . I am working like made at diet and have been for a year but lost only one stone so now trying to lose more quickly. I know it’s very serious but can I live a normal life length if I do I hope so at moment I’m so scared and lonely. Pat