Hello, I have moderate fatty liver disease and I have been told that I also have low iron. I was already questioning whether I should take a multivitamin or not. Now I don't know if I should take one with a little iron in it. Thoughts?
Would taking a daily vitamin with 8 M... - Living with Fatty...
Would taking a daily vitamin with 8 MG of Iron be harmful?
A question for a doc really but can be an effective supplement. The real question to try to answer is why is your iron low? Iron is required for production of red blood cells and usually managed by the body so why is the first question and is it important for you in particular.
I asked my doctor what could be causing it, and they totally blew me off. They also didn't give me a great answer about taking a vitamin. Sadly, They're not much help.
I agree with nash2. If you can see a hepatologist, that's what I would do. I take iron daily because I have low iron, low platelets and low hemoglobin. If you don't have cirrhosis "yet" but have NASH, I would run, not walk to a hepatologist because you have a chance to turn this around. I was not so lucky. I, too, had a doctor who brushed fatty liver off. He told me not to worry about it since I didn't drink alcohol, so I didn't "worry about it". Take the advice of someone who now has cirrhosis, Worry about it!! Go to a hepatologist.