Hi.. recently diagnosed with fatty liver due to 2000 ldl. Don't have a degree set on how bad yet but the pain in my feet is pretty bad. Any tips to relieve that?
Pain in feet from fatty liver - Living with Fatty...
Pain in feet from fatty liver
Hi Tonka
That is pretty high. If you are also diabetic that can be painful but in any case not something we could diagnose so hopefully you can talk to your doctor about it soon.
Some people report relief from epson salt soaks of their feet, that is magnesium, but doesn't work for everyone.
Turmeric helps. Try it. It does help me.
I have also get foot pain as though Ive sprained my toes. Epsom salt foot bath, turmeric and drinking a lot of water helps me. A LOT of water- a gallon.
Is foot pain associated with liver disease? I have had terrible pains in my feet for years. Someday it is hard to get out of bed. I have had so many blood test to try to find out why I am having the pains but no answers.
Interesting. Where is the pain exactly? Like both feet? I have pain on the ball of my foot basically beteeen the big toe and second toe... but only one one foot! I feel so much better when I have shoes on. Hurts to be bare feet. Now you got me thinking
My toes have a feeling of constantly needing to be popped
my foot started hurting right before my diagnosis. the initial blood tests showed my potassium was too low... dangerously low. Doctor increased my dosage and foot pain is nearly gone. The fatty liver diagnosis came a few days after the low potassium diagnosis. I now start a new journey with you all.