Here is why I could not understand it. I never drink alcohol. I rarely eat fat, refined or processed foods, sugar or over eat. In the past few years I made a point of eating less and lost nearly two stone. Am now 13 stone and 5 feet 9 tall. I exercise. Then I remembered that for years I have been on and off a lot of antibiotics, steroids and ppis, and these can damage you. Now I think its best probably for me to change my nose spray and steroid inhaler for non steroid. If anyone has a similar experience please reply, thanks.
Hello, new here. Been diagnosed with ... - Living with Fatty...
Hello, new here. Been diagnosed with fatty liver, which I could not understand but
One of the things that confounds us is that there are a lot of paths that lead to liver disease. Its chemistry is profoundly complex and almost everything that enters our body goes through it and there is just so much we don't know. Our approach is to ask the liver to do as little work as possible as the general rule. We try to think of the things we use and ingest in that way trying to do as little harm as possible but genetics, disease, and bad luck can still defeat us. Sounds like you are on a reasonable track, good luck.
Yes. Have been reading about it all, its confusing, time consuming, very serious and fascinating. Somehow got onto the link between gluthione and how different things improve it, especially real vitamin c and how helpful it is
I, too, find it interesting.
I had a severe reaction to prednisone a few years ago. Severe center chest burning and sweating profusely. I've had night sweats for over 3 years, every night ever sence my prednisone Rx . ( it was given for some sudden hearing loss. Didn't work...)
I was told by the pharmacist that nasal sprays don't enter the blood steam as much as the ingested steroids. I hope this is true.
I think it depends. I sometimes used nasal sprays and was sure they went into the blood stream, maybe because of my eustachian tube not being right, other times I have used similar sprays in my ear and been sure they entered the blood stream. Now I am eating far healthier and less, because doctors get so much wrong and just throw medicines at symptoms instead of getting to the root cause or telling us how to prevent illness in the first place.