Due to severe constipation, my 4 Yr old had laxido to help clear his blockage, it worked, but this was a week ago and ever since he has not had laxido but is still leaking quite alot of watery poo. How long does this happen for before his poo is more formed again?
Laxido, after affects! : Due to severe constipation, my... - ERIC
Laxido, after affects!

Put a pampers 6 nappy on him or 7 or 8 if that is too small to contain it!
He is already wearing them thanks, I'm wanting to know how long this could go on for him. It's been a week since we stopped the laxido.
What nappies is he wearing?!
It needs to be like brown water then back it down to soft poos each day!
Otherwise give him a ducolax suppository to help him go but keep him in nappies to stop accidents.
He's in size 7 nappy pants. Yes, the problem we have is now he has passed his blockage, his poo is the watery brown stuff and has been for a week now, so we're just wondering when that will calm down and be more of a formed poo instead of so watery.
By blockage do you mean he was backed up/impacted?
If so then once you’ve cleared the impaction with the maximum dose and he’s had tea like poos for a few days then you can slowly reduce the dose (about 1 sachet every 3-4 days) until you reach a maintenance dose that will produce 1-3 soft ‘snakey’ poos a day. He may have to stay on a low maintenance dose for a significant amount of time.
Then along with a toilet routine and time it will give the muscles a chance to strengthen and begin working properly again.
This article is the clearest description of disimpaction I’ve read it might be worth reading if you haven’t already -
Thanks so much for your help, the link was really useful too.
No problem! You’ll get through be patient be strong! You are not alone!
Thank you, it breaks my heart to know he's missing out on having fun because of the leaking. Is it normal for kids to stay off school with it. We're keeping him off until the leaking has stopped x
My daughter had time out of nursery but we’ve managed to get it under control by the time she started school.
I was fortunate that most of the distimpactions could be completed during lockdown.
My advise is just make sure he’s fully clear before you bring down the dose - I went to quickly on the first time and had to do it all again a few months later.
Also we found a good toilet routine (after meals) and things like bubbles, balloons or blowing water through a straw really helps encourage the muscles to start working again.
We started this journey pretty much a year ago and apart from the occasional accident, she looks like she’s beginning to recover. It’s felt like forever though.
Hey bambie83, I hope you don’t mind me messaging u, but ur post sounds like ur very informed. My story is that I have a 3 year old son (3 past in August) that was potty trained at 2yrs and 5 months and done brilliantly with both pees and poos. I had my 4th baby, a 2nd boy 3 months later.
Roughly about 6weeks after successful potty training he started to regress, pooing in his pants etc.
He is now on laxido one sachet in the morning. He had been on 2 morning and evening along with movicol syrup twice also but I gradually reduced this as literally it was running out of him.
Now I just don’t know where to go as he will do poos in the toilet if not daily definitely every other day. On days he does go he might do 1/2 or 3 poos. But on top of this I am having to change his pants as he is always soiled. I just don’t fully understand and therefore don’t know how to help him or that’s how I feel 😢
I had the exact same thing after the birth of my second - it took us ages to realise that what we thought was regression was possibly something else.
My daughter was about 3.5 and after a bout of illness which needed antibiotics we started to notice the soiling. By Christmas I was at the end of the tether I just thought she was doing for attention (believe me I feel awful now). Then I spoke to the HV and in turn ERIC and that’s when I found out about Impaction.
I had no idea totally thought I just couldn’t do toilet training! But I think by the time I had figured it out her bowels we’re pretty stretched.
We’ve been at it all year, 3 disimpactions and almost retraining her to figure out the signals and we’re getting there but it feels like it’s been forever.
Have you ever fully disimpacted your son? It might be worth doing so to see if you can clear the blockage and go from there.
How do I fully disimpact him? I need to educate myself bigtime
Have a look at the ERIC website it should give you a guide to disimpaction.
Basically you are upping the Movicol/Laxido every day for about 8 days until the poo becomes tea like, then stay the for 3 days. Then slowing bringing the dose down until you find a good maintenance dose that gets 1-3 soft snake like poos per day.
I would recommend speaking to the GP and tell them you’re about to disimpact and that you need few boxes to get through it. Otherwise, you’ll panic as I did half way through and have to get more!
I just googled it there and read up on Eric website. Ok so I’m going to get right on this tomorrow! Good job I’m on maternity leave as I’m thinking I won’t be going to far for the next wee while. Thanks for ur advice! Wish I had of googled this ages ago 😢